There are various teleporters available in DDNet. They are used to teleport back to the beginning of drag parts or to narrow down the space to navigate through with different techniques.
There are two kinds of teleporter tiles teleporting tees to the to-tele . The original/blue teleporter and the evil/red teleporter which additionally resets the velocity of the teleported tee to 0 and releases all hooks to the tee. Both reset the hook of the player going through the tele by default, which can be overwritten with the tune command sv_teleport_hold_hook 1
. Usually the evil teleporter type is used in most modern maps, unless the map part explicitly requires the velocity to be kept. Oldschool maps typically use blue teles because the red tele didn't exist back then. Teles can have the number 1 up to 255. Touching a tele (/) on a map without a corresponding to-tele ignores the tile and no teleportation happens.
There is an additional teleporting system that uses checkpoints . It teleports to the checkpoint-to-tele tile with the same number as the last touched checkpoint tile . There is also the separation between blue checkpoint teleporters and red checkpoint teleporters with the same semantics as above. When no checkpoint tile is touched or no corresponding to-tile exists, the tee teleports to a spawn tile .
The weapon teleporter can teleport projectiles and laser from all weapons. They use the same to-tele as the standard tele tiles.
The hook teleporter teleports to the standard to-tele as well. When the hook gets teleported, the hook range is measured from the to-tele tile, extending time and range the hook can fly. Each time the hook gets teleported, the hook direction changes to to the current looking direction of the tee.