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Show new changes starting from 10:33, 26 March 2025
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25 March 2025

     14:53  Mapping diffhist +212 Oxyzo talk contribs (Updated information about FILE tab) Tag: Visual edit: Switched
     14:39 Upload log Oxyzo talk contribs uploaded File:Editor file new.png (New editor file)
     13:28  FAQ/pl 3 changes history −155 [PKP (3×)]
13:28 (cur | prev) +2 PKP talk contribs
13:27 (cur | prev) −2 PKP talk contribs
12:51 (cur | prev) −155 PKP talk contribs (Created page with "=== Związane z twórczością ===")
     12:51 User rights log Zwelf talk contribs changed group membership for PKP from (none) to automoderated user (translation pl)
     10:44 User creation log User account PKP talk contribs was created

24 March 2025

     07:22 User rights log Zwelf talk contribs changed group membership for CrimsonKid from (none) to automoderated user (good contribution)
     07:21  Pseudofly diffhist +1,896 CrimsonKid talk contribs (Add a section about hammer timing, and made some minor changes to other part, mainly explaining the theories.)
     05:10 User creation log User account CrimsonKid talk contribs was created

23 March 2025

     12:21 Upload log Dsimm talk contribs uploaded File:Exempleposition.gif (Animation in game)
     03:27  Stoppers/zh 2 changes history −97 [Zerol Acqua (2×)]
03:27 (cur | prev) −54 Zerol Acqua talk contribs (Created page with "利用武士刀穿过阻滞器")
03:27 (cur | prev) −43 Zerol Acqua talk contribs (Created page with "利用速度穿过阻滞器(0.1倍速慢放)")
     03:26  (Page translation log) [Zerol Acqua (2×)]
03:26 Zerol Acqua talk contribs marked Stoppers for translation
02:44 Zerol Acqua talk contribs marked Stoppers for translation
     03:25  Stoppers 2 changes history +67 [Zerol Acqua (2×)]
03:25 (cur | prev) −24 Zerol Acqua talk contribs
01:12 (cur | prev) +69 Zerol Acqua talk contribs (add translate marks) Tag: Visual edit: Switched

22 March 2025

     21:25  Stoppers diffhist +171 Oxyzo talk contribs (added 2 gifs about skipping stoppers - not exactly sure if its needed) Tag: Visual edit: Switched
     21:16  (Upload log) [Oxyzo (2×)]
21:16 Oxyzo talk contribs uploaded File:Stopper skip - Ninja.mp4 (Skipping stoppers with ninja)
21:01 Oxyzo talk contribs uploaded File:Stopper Skip - Speed.mp4
     19:44  Drag Part/ru 2 changes history −133 [Oxyzo (2×)]
19:44 (cur | prev) −13 Oxyzo talk contribs
19:43 (cur | prev) −120 Oxyzo talk contribs
     10:16  Mapping/ru 9 changes history −11 [Zerol Acqua (9×)]
10:16 (cur | prev) +74 Zerol Acqua talk contribs (Created page with "Color+ — Создаст кривую цвета.")
10:16 (cur | prev) +53 Zerol Acqua talk contribs (Created page with "Цветовые конверты могут быть применены к тайлам и куадам, но не к слоям куада. Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши по слою тайла в Выбор слоя или на центр куада.")
10:16 (cur | prev) +100 Zerol Acqua talk contribs (Created page with "Позиционные конверты могут быть применены только к куадам, по нажатию правой кнопки мыши по центру зеленого квадрата и выбрав позицию конверта.")
10:14 (cur | prev) +43 Zerol Acqua talk contribs (Created page with "Вы также можете использовать колесико мыши для масштабирования или нажать на иконку лупы чтобы автоматически отобразить все кривые.")
10:14 (cur | prev) +48 Zerol Acqua talk contribs (Created page with "Значения конверта — эти значения меняются в зависимости от типа конверта (позиция, цвет, звук).")
10:14 (cur | prev) +73 Zerol Acqua talk contribs (Created page with "Синхронизация — синхронизируйте объект чтобы он шел со временем сервера, а не со временем клиента.")
10:13 (cur | prev) +66 Zerol Acqua talk contribs (Created page with "Именное поле — используйте это поле чтобы дать название вашему конверту для лучшего ориентирования.")
10:13 (cur | prev) −3,387 Zerol Acqua talk contribs (Replaced content with "Выбор конверта — нажмите на «-» или «+» чтобы переключаться между ними. Левое значение показывает на каком вы конверте, правое значение показывает всееобщее количество конвертов.")
09:44 (cur | prev) −8 Zerol Acqua talk contribs
     10:12  Mapping/zh 7 changes history −936 [Zerol Acqua (7×)]
10:12 (cur | prev) −96 Zerol Acqua talk contribs (Created page with "{{todo| 详细解释上文中标注为“待详细解释”的内容。 完整说明编辑器中的功能。 讨论现代地图与传统及古典地图的相同和不同点,或探讨它们的背景故事。 编写一个简短的制图教程。}}")
10:02 (cur | prev) −255 Zerol Acqua talk contribs (Created page with "曲线各项数值(Envelope values):这些数值取决于曲线类型(位置、颜色、声音)。图例是颜色曲线,因此显示的是RGBA数值,下方曲线也反映了数值在动画过程中的变化。")
10:01 (cur | prev) −86 Zerol Acqua talk contribs (Created page with "曲线重整:使用按钮来移动曲线列表中的曲线,通常显示在曲线选择框中。")
10:01 (cur | prev) −39 Zerol Acqua talk contribs (Created page with "中间数字的颜色表示是否被占用,绿色为已使用,红色为未使用。")
10:01 (cur | prev) −150 Zerol Acqua talk contribs (Created page with "您也可以使用鼠标滚轮控制曲线显示大小,点击中间的放大镜图标自动调整编辑器曲线显示至合适位置。")
10:00 (cur | prev) −247 Zerol Acqua talk contribs (Created page with "曲线大小(Zoom):调整曲线编辑器的曲线显示大小。按住{{Key press|shift}}键垂直伸缩曲线。")
09:59 (cur | prev) −63 Zerol Acqua talk contribs (Created page with "命名框(Name field):给曲线命名,便于管理。")
     09:57 Page translation log Zerol Acqua talk contribs marked Mapping for translation
     09:55  Mapping diffhist +461 Zerol Acqua talk contribs Tag: Visual edit: Switched

21 March 2025

     20:25  Mapping/es 10 changes history −483 [NoKetchup (10×)]
20:25 (cur | prev) −43 NoKetchup talk contribs (Created page with "Para crear un envelope, haz clic en cualquiera de los botones Pos+, Color+ o Sound+. En cualquier envelope, de izquiera a derecha, está:")
20:24 (cur | prev) −46 NoKetchup talk contribs (Created page with "La animación dentro del juego")
20:24 (cur | prev) −56 NoKetchup talk contribs (No need to translate, this will get deleted later.)
20:23 (cur | prev) −48 NoKetchup talk contribs (Created page with "Abre una ventana redimensionable que se usa para realizar varias animaciones en tu mapa.")
20:23 (cur | prev) −88 NoKetchup talk contribs (Created page with "Ejemplo de una animación básica de cambio de color")
20:22 (cur | prev) −38 NoKetchup talk contribs (Created page with "Abre una ventana redimensionable que muestra acciones anteriores. También ver deshacer/rehacer.")
20:21 (cur | prev) −53 NoKetchup talk contribs (Created page with "Guarda colores temporalmente para poder usarlos después.")
20:21 (cur | prev) −50 NoKetchup talk contribs (Created page with "Deshace o rehace tus acciones. También ver historial.")
20:20 (cur | prev) −46 NoKetchup talk contribs (Created page with "Funcionalidad de ajuste para el campo de visión.")
20:20 (cur | prev) −15 NoKetchup talk contribs (Created page with "====En capas específicas====")