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起初 '''erd'''(现在有概率使用昵称erdbaer露脸) 创作实现了第一个捕获模式,多多少少,这与erd尝试复刻当时闭源的被称为“Blumentopf FNG”的第一个FNG服务器却意外做成了捕获模式有点关系。
起初 '''erd'''(现在有概率使用昵称erdbaer露脸) 创作实现了第一个捕获模式,多多少少,这与erd尝试复刻当时闭源的被称为“Blumentopf FNG”的第一个FNG服务器却意外做成了捕获模式有点关系。

从Teeworlds 0.5跨至少半个Teeworlds 0.6时期,瞬杀竞技的初始武器激光枪作为捕获模式的变体能够击杀并抓住对手。
从Teeworlds 0.5跨至少半个Teeworlds 0.6时期,作为捕获模式中的初始且重要的武器激光枪像瞬杀竞技那样能够立即击杀并抓住对手。

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Revision as of 14:14, 16 October 2023







  • zCatch,持激光枪作战;
  • zCatch Grenade,持榴弹枪作战。不同于原生模式,榴弹不会对自己造成伤害,而且玩家可使用榴弹枪加速。
  • zCatch Everything ,持有所有原生模式武器。
  • zCatch Hammer,持锤子作为初始武器。
  • zCatch Gun,持手枪作为初始武器。
  • zCatch Shotgun,持霰弹枪作为初始武器。
  • zCatch Ninja,持武士刀作为初始武器。



  • erd 发布了基于 Teeworlds 0.5 的捕获模式[1],2010-01-06。
  • Teetime 又名 TT<3 发布了基于 Teeworlds 0.6 的捕获模式,由TT <3所发的论坛贴文:“[MOD] zCatch”[2],2011-06-05。
  • 捕获模式和 TeeVi 由 Tee电视(Teelevision)开发[3],2014-03-26 至 2016-05-12。
  • Savander 开发了基于 DDNet 的捕获模式[4],2014-09-21 至 2019-04-11。
  • TeeSlayer 开发了首个 Teeworlds 0.7 版本的捕获模式[5],2019-02-03 至 2019-02-05。
  • jxsl13 开发了基于 Teeworlds 0.7 的最新版本[6],2019-06-28 至 2022-04-26。


  • nades榴弹
  • boost nades:榴弹加速。
  • spam:胡乱发射过量榴弹。
  • spray (又名 random nade):使用榴弹在没有看见目标的情况下盲射或预判,通常是为了偷取恰巧路过的玩家。正确做法一般是释放这种被非正常技术手段捕获的玩家。比如说朝着前进方向抛射榴弹击中了本应在视野外的目标, 同时该玩家没有突脸而只是碰巧路过,就算作一次 spray;在被追击时向后方射击则视作正常技术。
  • lucky shot:与一名玩家交战的时候意外击中了未瞄准的第三者,这视作spray。不过恰当做法依旧是释放那名路过的玩家。
  • rls(又名release):玩家正在请求你将其释放;
  • rls?rls game?:捕获者向被捕获者询问是否愿意被释放。


起初 erd(现在有概率使用昵称erdbaer露脸) 创作实现了第一个捕获模式,多多少少,这与erd尝试复刻当时闭源的被称为“Blumentopf FNG”的第一个FNG服务器却意外做成了捕获模式有点关系。

从Teeworlds 0.5跨至少半个Teeworlds 0.6时期,作为捕获模式中的初始且重要的武器激光枪像瞬杀竞技中那样能够立即击杀并抓住对手。

After a long period of people playing the 0.6 zCatch of TT <3 (Teetime), and no real continuation of the mod's development, especially the grenade version of it, Teelevision forked Teetime's GitHub source tree and continued development.


Since the dawn of zCatch, the minimal number of needed players in order to be able to win a round was 5. At some point in the grenade launcher era, Savander forked Teelevision's zCatch and introduced a basic ranking system while also increasing the number of people required to win a round to 10 and reversing the color transitions to be from red to blue (0 players caught to 15 players caught). This shifted popularity towards the DDNet zCatch servers. Afterwards Teelevision also introduced a ranking system while keeping the number of required players to win a round at 5.

DDNet and Teelevision continued to host zCatch servers of both variants (laser and grenade) until the official end of Teeworlds 0.6. During that time most players were playing on DDNet's zCatch.

Towards the end of Teeworlds 0.6 the number of players on zCatch dwindled, leading to the number of those previously introduced 10 required players to end a round to be met less and less while the normal zCatch mechanics, where you catch players and those players join the spectators until the player who caught them dies, still persisted. In terms of gameplay, while not being able to end a round, it was usually pointless to catch and keep players caught, thus the term "release game" was born. It is basically gDM without the possibility to win the game where caught players are manually released by the player who caught them. It was a fair form of a warm up where everyone could continue playing the game until enough players joined the server to actually play and win a round of zCatch. Usually after 10 players joined, the game transitioned to the normal zCatch mechanics where everyone stopped releasing everyone else they caught and started playing the game. Players were still released in case of (unwanted) random kills (term: spray) or spawning players in order to improve fair play. At some point, primarily new players introduced to the mod, started to demand "release game" (short: rls game) to be played even after the required 10 players were on the server to play a proper round of zCatch, basically undermining the whole principle of the mod.

After the release of 0.7 a lot of people still continued to play zCatch on Teeworlds 0.6. That changed when TeeSlayer released a port for Teeworlds 0.7 with most basic mechanics needed for zCatch, no ranking, just the raw gameplay mechanics. Players then slowly transitioned, tho not completely, to Teeworlds 0.7.

That is when jxsl13 started to implement zCatch from scratch for 0.7 trying to tackle a lot of the shortcomings of the Teeworlds 0.6 versions and adding all of the missing features that TeeSlayer's version was missing. The resulting zCatch version is the one that is played to this day.

