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Getting started

From DDraceNetwork
Revision as of 15:46, 5 November 2022 by Louis (talk | contribs) (reworded some things and fixed some grammar issues)
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Upon starting the game, you will be prompted to set a name, afterwards it will ask whether you want to play the tutorial map - it is recommended you do so. It will show you how to do basic movement with some visual aid.

From the main menu, click on Play and then select a server, it is recommended that new players join Novice servers. The default filter already has the word Novice on it, so you will only see those.

Note: It is common to refer to a player physical character as a tee, so this guide will do so starting from here.

Basic controls

  • Move left and right with A and D, and jump with Space.
  • Aim with your mouse - note that your cursor inside the game is locked to a large circular region around the center of the screen.
  • Hook with right click. Hooking allows you to hook onto hookable tiles or other tees.
  • Fire/use your current active weapon with left click.
  • Emote with ⇧ Shift. Most of the communication in DDNet can happen without even chatting, as tees often use the Pistol to signal where to go and express how they feel about a map part using emotes, such as the tear drop emote for a faily part.

Main Mechanics


TODO: A short overview of the hook, and link to the hook page.

Freeze Tiles

TODO: A short overview of the freeze tiles, and link to their page.


TODO: A short overview of how jumping works


TODO: A short overview of all the weapons, linking to their page.

Basic Techniques

TODO: A short overview of the most basic techniques that will be useful early on, such as hammerfly, hammer throw/run.

Personalizing your tee

TODO: A short overview of how to change one's skin, name, clan, laser color, etc.

Get in touch

TODO: Link to places where the community is active, such as discord.