跳躍在默認情況下按下空格鍵觸發。跳躍可使你進行垂直向上的移動,以避開障礙或抵達其餘方式不能到達的平台上。 在跳躍時,玩家會獲得向上的推動力,因此會獲得一定的垂直初速度。但在重力的影響下,這個速度會逐漸減少,直到垂直向上的速度減少至0,在重力作用下會使得玩家降落。
- 在地面上起跳會進行平地跳躍:
- 在半空中起跳會進行二段跳躍(或稱空中跳躍)。
默認情況下玩家擁有1次平地跳躍和1次二段跳躍。 所有跳躍會在你觸碰地面或觸碰跳躍刷新區域時所刷新(跳躍刷新區域僅會刷新除平地跳躍外的跳躍)。
The ground jump is only possible whenever you touch the ground. Since it is programmed in the way that it sets your vertical velocity to a certain value, it will disregard any other vertical boosts you gain at the same moment. When started the vertical velocity is set to 13.2. A ground jump makes the tee reach a height of 5.69 tiles. Once you don’t touch the ground anymore, this jump becomes unavailable.
Double Jump
The double jump is available once you are in the air. The vertical velocity is set to 12 when activated. Interestingly, since it sets your vertical velocity to a certain value like the ground jump does, you can manually use it to cancel all vertical velocity. It doesn’t reach as high as the first jump and only reaches 4.62 tiles at its peak. Together with the ground jump you can get up to 10,31 tiles.
The brightness of the tee's feet indicates if the double jump has already been used. When the double jump is not available, the feet are darker.
You get your double jump back the next time you touch the ground. You can double jump after jumping off the ground and also after walking off a platform.
Wall jump
When wall jump tiles are placed next to the wall, you can regain all your double jumps by touching the wall with the wall jump tile while falling down. You can only get your jumps back one time per touch, so you have to leave the wall to use wall jump again.
Changing the number of jumps
The number of jumps can be changed by the jump count setter tile from the switch layer. Setting the jump count to zero disables both ground and double jumps. When it is set to one you can use it either as a ground jump or as a double jump. In cases where you have more than one jump (n>1
jumps), the amount will divide in 1 ground jump and double jumps for the rest (n-1
). So when leaving a platform without using the ground jump, you still have only n-1
Infinite jumps
There is also the infinite jump tile giving the tee infinite double jumps until the infinite jump off tile is touched.
Advanced Behavior
- Whenever you hold the jump-key, you either trigger a jump instantly or trigger a jump as soon as it is available to you. This can be used to jump as soon as you touch the ground
- When timing a jump right before getting frozen, you will both get frozen and double jump at the same time
- If you do not have your double jump, it is possible to jump in one tile high freeze with enough vertical velocity. This is known as a freeze jump.