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<span id="Freeze_Tiles"></span>
=== Freeze Tiles ===
=== 冻结区域 ===

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Revision as of 02:47, 13 July 2023




初啟《DDNet》,遊戲會提示讓您起一個暱稱。《DDNet》裡對暱稱基本無任何限制,您可使用任何15個字符內的暱稱,又或者使用默認名「nameless tee」。遊戲有可能會提示您使用的暱稱已經有XX分的記錄,這是因為在《DDNet》中,每張地圖會有相對應的分數,而每當玩家在DDNet服務器完成一張地圖時則會取得該分數,所以這代表您所要使用的暱稱已經被其他玩家使用過或正在使用。您可以無視此提示繼續使用該暱稱,但為了避免引起不必要的麻煩,建議您使用其它暱稱。



通告: 遊戲內,玩家所操控的角色叫「Tee」,因此本文中的「Tee」都指代玩家所操控的角色。



  • 您可用AD左右前進,並使用Space跳躍
  • 您可移動您的鼠標來瞄準(您的鼠標移動會被鎖定在一圓半徑中);
  • 您可用鼠標右鍵來使用鈎索,鈎索可鈎住可鈎牆體進行擺動;又或鈎住其他Tee;
  • 您可用鼠標左鍵來使用當前持有的武器
  • 您可用⇧ Shift來開啟表情選擇菜單,用來快速交流(某些玩家有時會使用 手槍來交流)。





當鈎住 可鈎牆體時,玩家會以約每秒20格方塊的速度被拉往鈎索鈎住的點;



A tee inside a / freeze tile will be continuously frozen (recognizable due to changing to a ninja skin) and unable to move. On a standard freeze tile, you will continue to be frozen for 3 seconds after being outside a freeze tile. If another tee hammers a frozen tee, it will become unfrozen unless you are deep frozen.

On older maps, there may be a heart tile which acts like a freeze tile, but has a bigger hit box.


By pressing Space one can jump. Tees have a ground jump and an air jump, but it is possible to have more than 1 air jump.

A wall jump can be achieved on walls marked with a wall jump tile, it requires the tee to touch the wall while falling down.


A tee always starts with the following weapons:

  • Hammer: Used to unfreeze others, do drag parts and other techniques.
  • Pistol: Used for communication with other tees.

These are weapons that can be collected in maps that feature them:

  • Shotgun: Shoots a laser that bounces on walls and pulls others towards you (or the last bounced position).
  • Grenade: Shoots a grenade whose projectile pushes tees outwards upon exploding.
  • Laser: Shoots a laser that bounces on walls and unfreezes tees.

Basic Techniques

待辦: {{{1}}}

Personalizing your tee

Most of the personalization can be done in the settings.

Player Tab

Here Name, Clan and Flag can be set for the main tee and the dummy.

Tee Tab

This tab allows for changes to the ingame appearance.

  1. In this field, the name of the skin can be manually entered (case sensitive). This is necessary when using a skin that is not listed in the big list below.
  2. If this setting is checked, the settings for the dummy can be edited.
  3. This enables the use and display of skins from a database. If this is disabled and another player uses a skin that is not available locally, the default skin will be displayed instead.
  4. In the official skin database, skins are divided into "normal" and "community" skins. When this checkmark is set, community skins, which may appear less "teelike," will be downloaded.
  5. This disables all but the original vanilla skins, even other local ones.
  6. This is just a fun setting to fool around with. However, other players can only see the effect, if they have enabled it as well.
  7. Some skins have multiple variants. For example, in the screenshot, the selected camo skin and coala_cammo can be seen. In this case, "coala" is the prefix. With this field, variants for such skins can be easily switched, although the same result can be achieved by using the variant directly.
  8. Here, the eyes that the tee will use when joining a server can be set.
  9. This setting allows for the customization of the body and feet colors of the tee.
  10. This button opens the website of official Skin Database.

More skins can be found in the Skin Database (10) in order to use these (3) needs to be enabled and (5) disabled. To use community skins, (4) needs to be checked as well. To apply the skin, the name of the skin has to be entered or copied into (1).

There are other databases like with even more skins than the official database. But they have to be integrated separately to use.

Appearance Tab

Here are settings about the HUD, Chat and other general visuals located. Other players cant see the effect of these settings.

Assets Tab

Here can ingame textures be selected. Common places to get Assets are Discord and Other players cant see the effect of these settings.

Get in touch

more resources or looking for non-English-speaking communities can be found here.