
From DDraceNetwork
  • Air or absence of the following blocks will let the hook right through
  • Unhookable tiles cancels the hook when hit
  • Hookable tiles which you can grab on with your hook and pull yourself towards it until you release the hook or get Frozen or Teleported.
  • Hook-through tiles ( + or + ), is a combination of a collision block in the game layer ( or ) and the hook through block in the front layer . This combination will not affect your hook. The hook will pass right through them like through air
  • Hook-stopper tile is the same tile as the Hook-through tile, but placed on air instead on collision. This block will cancel the hook like the unhookable tile. The difference to the unhookable tile is that tees and weapon projectiles don't collide with it.
  • The directional hook-through tile is rotatable and lets all hooks through in one direction and acts like the hook-stopper for hooks in the opposite direction.
  • The old hook-through tile (/) lets hook through, when placed next to a tile when hooking through in some angels.
  • Hook teleporter will teleport the hook to a different position on the map.