如果方塊置於地圖邊緣,它們會自動朝地圖外無限延伸。例如:放置在X: 0, Y: 4
The game world is contained within a killbox, which starts 200 tiles past the border in each cardinal direction. The killbox is made up of kill tiles, but are unique in the sense that they share the standard DDRace tile hitbox rather than a kill tile hitbox. Any projectiles (grenades, bullets) will have their lifetimes ended upon impact with the killbox. This allows one to Grenade jump using the killbox as a "wall".
Border tiles take precedence but will not overwrite killbox tiles.
Although it may seem possible to skip past the killbox with a tele laser, any tees past the killbox border will automatically be killed, even if they are positioned past the visual killbox.