- 崩潰/警告日誌文件
- 硬體信息(GPU,CPU,內存,運行系統(比如Windows, Linux等等))-所使用的GPU可以在客戶端啟動後按下f1打開控制台來查看,會以紫色文本顯示。
- 問題產生前的步驟
自Windows系統的DDNet 16起,客戶端會創建一份崩潰日誌或是警告日誌,可以在配置路徑的"dumps"目錄下找到。
Inside the client go on Settings -> Graphics Under "Renderer" select OpenGL 1 Restart
If you prefer to have a more appropriate solution for your problem, visit the GFX Troubleshooting page, which analysis graphics problems more specifically and gives extra details.
ALT + TAB problems
This is most likely a graphics driver problem. However you can still try to fix it by using "Windowed Fullscreen".
This is a special fullscreen mode, that makes the window act like it is fullscreen, even if it's not.
Note: There is a drawback on some systems. E.g. under Windows it might leave the Windows desktop compositor active, which results in less FPS, and in worst case more input delay.
Inside the client go on Settings -> Graphics Click on "Fullscreen" (or whatever you last selected) and choose "Windowed Fullscreen" instead
(if you experience bugs changing this mode, just restart the game once and make sure "Windowed Fullscreen" is still selected)
Broken streaming
When you experience a bug with streaming DDNet over discord, you are most likely using a nvidia graphics card.
A user already reached out to discord, and they told him to:
If you have problems finding DDNet in nvidia shadow play.
Make sure you actually use the nvidia card to play DDNet (press F1 after a client start and see the purple text saying something like "gfx [...] Vendor:", it should mention nvidia)
Under Windows you can usually select the preferred graphics card under Windows' graphics options, or directly in the control panel of your graphics driver (e.g. nvidia control panel)
Network / Connection problems
DDNet and Teeworlds network code requires a stable connection with as less ping jitter as possible.
If you experience problems make sure to:
- Use a LAN cable instead of Wifi
- Turn off other applications on your computer and other computers in your network to tell if they are the source of the problem
- Prefer DSL/Fiber over cable internet
- Make sure it is not a DoS/DDoS attack on the server (did it ever work before, do other servers work fine?)
- Try
ping -t ger2.ddnet.org
in cmd.exe for a few minutes, stop it with ctrl-c, and check the if the ping jumps there too or you have packet loss - Try to trace route the connection to the DDNet server (using
tracert ger2.ddnet.org
in cmd.exe) and see if there is bad routing (ask your ISP to fix it)