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  • 鈎住可鈎實體進行擺動;
  • 鈎住其他玩家,將他們拉向你或是將你輕微地拉向他們。



  • 鈎子被發射時會以朝着玩家按下次要開火鍵時所看向的方向沿直線射出,直到鈎子接觸到其他玩家或可鈎/不可鈎實體;
  • 如果鈎子在發射途中沒有接觸到任何玩家或實體,它會在到達最大長度時消失;
  • 發射鈎子到進行判定或到達最大長度需要一小段時間,並非立即與視角方向的實體或玩家進行判定;
  • 被鈎住的玩家不會立即失去已經獲得的速度,可以將其看做是施加在玩家上的另一種力來逐漸改變速度大小以及方向;
  • 鈎子的頭部判定寬度很窄,因此鈎子可以穿過兩個可碰撞實體組成的角落。



  • 鈎子可以穿過空氣與未使用實體;
  • 鈎子觸碰禁鈎實體時將會消失;
  • 鈎子觸碰可鈎實體時會定在所觸碰的位置,並將玩家拉向該處,直到玩家鬆開鈎子或被凍結


  • 鈎穿實體( + + )是由主要遊戲實體層中



  • 禁鈎區域與可鈎穿單元有着一樣的外觀,但禁鈎區域通常單獨使用而非組合使用。禁鈎區域和禁鈎實體的效果



  • 單向鈎穿區域是鈎穿單元的變種,其會允許從某一方向上發射到區域內的鈎子穿過,而取消從其他方向上發射


  • 舊版鈎穿單元(/)通常放置在可碰撞實體旁邊,這種組合允許鈎子在某一角度範圍內發







最長持續時間時,鈎子會被自動釋放。 但當玩家觸碰過無限鈎子區域時,最長持續時間的限制將被移除,該玩家可以持續鈎住其他玩家。當玩家觸碰解



秒)。 無限鈎子的能力也可以在伺服器設置里添加指令sv_endless_drag 1或在地圖內任意位置添加一個全局無限鈎子單元


Hooking tees can be disabled by touching the disable hook collision block . Your hook will go

through other tees when in this mode. Hook collision gets enabled again by touching the enable hook collision block

. The hook can be permanently disabled on a map with the tune player_hooking 0 or by

placing the disable hook collision map config tile somewhere on the map.

Pull limit of the hook

You will not be pulled all the way to the anchor point. Instead, when your tee enters a specific radius to the

anchor point you will not be affected by the hook until you get out of it again. This is especially significant

when trying to move along the ceiling. Try to re-hook the ceiling when your tee is directly below it, to stick

tighter to it.

Hook hitbox of tees

The hit box of tees for the hook is actually larger than it is visually represented. While a tee looks about the

same size as a tile and mostly also interacts that way, its hit box for the hook is much more generous. Due to this

large hit box it is possible to hook a tee through a corner between tiles without having to do a hook with surgical

precision. To see how big the actual hit box of tees are, you can turn on "fat skins" in Settings -> Tee ->

Fat skins (DDFat).

Weak hook / strong hook

When hooking other tees, you won’t always pull them with the same strength. There are 2 different strength modes

your hook can have, called "weak hook" and "strong hook". It is important to emphasize that a single tee does not

"have strong hook" on everyone equally, they instead have either weak hook or strong hook on different tees,

depending on spawn order. The tee that has strong hook on the other is determined by who spawned first. The tee

that spawned first has strong hook and the one who spawned later has weak hook.

Weak and strong hook are especially noticeable in parts where you hook the other tee along the floor and when


Most parts are easier (or sometimes only possible) with strong hook. There are very few parts on older maps where

weak is an advantage or only possible with weak.

Known list of parts with weak as advantage or required (incomplete):

  • On Insane 3 at tele 6: this part is only possible with weak hook. This is due

to the speedups not being strong enough to push the tee up when using the strong hook.

  • On 2Long at position x = 380, y = 33: you have to do an edge hook with

strong hook. With weak it is enough if the other tee holds right (by default, D).

  • On Fucktastic at tele 30: Similar to the 2Long part, but three times in a row

and the edge is to high to jump on it.


The following tunes exist for the hook:

tune name default value comment
hook_length 380.0 Length of the hook. This is how far the hook can get before retracting. The length is always measured from the

current position of the tee or the last hook teleporter.

hook_fire_speed 80.0 How far the hook advances each tick
hook_drag_accel 3.0 Factor to acceleration the hook gives each tick
hook_drag_speed 15.0 Maximum speed you can gain/give through the hook afterwards the accel is ignored
player_hooking 1 Enable/disable player hooking
hook_duration 1.25 Time in seconds how long tees can hook other tees

Advanced Behaviour

  • The hook has a maximum range. Once the hook reaches its maximum range, it will reset. Note that if you move away

from the hook, that maximum range is reached faster, and you won’t hook as far. However, you can hook further by

moving into the general hook direction.

  • The hook does not start directly at the border of your tee. Instead, it starts a bit further out, which makes it

easier to hook through a gap between tiles when you are close to it.