
From DDraceNetwork
Revision as of 16:11, 2 June 2023 by Darkh (talk | contribs)



定点传送区域所设定编号的范围为1 - 255,触碰到传送区域就会被传送至对应编号的传送点位置。


  • 通过红色传送区域进行传送后,玩家的移动速度将会重置为0,并断开所有钩在玩家身上的钩索
  • 通过蓝色传送区域会保留玩家的所有移动速度以及保持钩在其身上的所有钩索。

无论玩家释放的钩索钩住的是墙体或是其他玩家,在进入传送区域后都会断开目前玩家所发射的钩索。但在某些地图里,作者会在服务器设置里添加sv_teleport_hold_hook 1指令来保证玩家被传送时继续保持钩索处于钩住状态。 通常来讲,在制作地图的过程中需要使用传送区域时,应默认选择红色传送区域,除非某个关卡需要用到传送后保持移动速度的特性才使用蓝色传送区域。 若定点传送区域设置的编号没有任何传送点与之对应,则该编号对应的传送区域没有任何效果。

  • 0号传送区域以及0号传送点没有任何效果。


There is an additional teleporting system including checkpoints . It teleports to the checkpoint-to-tele tile with the same number as the last touched checkpoint tile . There is also the separation between blue checkpoint teleporter and red checkpoint teleporter with the same semantic as above. When no checkpoint tile was touched or no corresponding to-tile exist, the tee teleports to a spawn tile .


The weapon teleporter can teleport projectiles and laser from all weapons. They to the same to-tele as the standard tele tiles.


The hook teleporter teleports to the standard to-tele as well. When the hook gets teleported, the hook range is measured from the to-tele tile, extending time and range the hook can fly. Each time the hook gets teleported, the hook direction changes to to the current looking direction of the tee.