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Darkh (talk | contribs)
Created page with "* 钩爪会直接穿过空气方块; * 钩爪会在命中不可钩方块{{Tile|entities|3}}时消失; * 钩爪会在命中可钩方块{{Tile|entities|1}}后将玩家拉向命中锚点,直到玩家松手或者被冻结传送 强制中止; * 钩爪会像穿过空气一样穿过可穿透方块({{Tile|entities|3}} + {{Tile|game|66}} or {{Tile|entities|1}} + {{Tile|game|66}}),这些方块是用游..."
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Revision as of 06:33, 2 June 2023


钩索 可以用于在地图中位移。它是默认持有的装备,在绝大部分地图中它都必不可少。钩索有以下功能:

  • 钩住特定方块摆荡
  • 钩住其他玩家,将他们拖向自己,同时自己也会被反作用力稍微拉向他们



  • 钩爪在发射后将沿着直线飞行,直到它抓到玩家或墙
  • 如果钩爪一直没抓到玩家或墙,它会在达到最大射程时消失
  • 钩爪具有出射速度,发射后不会立刻命中,而是在一定的延迟后才接触目标
  • 视觉效果上,钩爪和玩家之间会有钩索连接,钩索提供了玩家和钩爪之间的拉力,但是钩索没有碰撞箱
  • 钩索不会让玩家原有的速度消失,而是在原有运动状态上附加一个加速度
  • 钩爪很小,因此它可以从对角线穿过某些角落的墙缝



  • 钩爪会直接穿过空气方块;
  • 钩爪会在命中不可钩方块时消失;
  • 钩爪会在命中可钩方块后将玩家拉向命中锚点,直到玩家松手或者被冻结传送 强制中止;
  • 钩爪会像穿过空气一样穿过可穿透方块( + or + ),这些方块是用游戏图层中的( or )叠加上前置图层中的组合得到的;
  • 钩爪会在命中阻钩方块时消失,这个方块在上一条中也出现了,与前面不同的是此处阻钩方块叠加在空气方块上,这个方块和不可钩方块有区别,它不会阻碍玩家和子弹的通过;
  • 钩爪只能从特定方向穿过 定向穿透方块,这个方块可以旋转,特性是其中一向类似可穿透方块而对向类似阻钩方块;
  • 钩爪可以从旧版可穿透方块(/)相邻的方块边缘穿过,换句话说钩索在进入旧版可穿透方块内部后,可以继续飞行穿过它上下左右四个方向相邻的任意方块;
  • 钩爪会在命中钩爪传送方块 后被传送至地图预设好的另一个地点。



如果你钩住另一玩家会将他拖过来,同时你也会稍微被拉向他。注意,游戏中有摩擦力,所以拖动地面上的玩家会减速。相较于钩墙理论上的无限时长,钩索命中玩家后即使不松手也会在1.25秒后自动消失,这一时间限制可以通过触碰无限钩索方块去除(或者说获取无限钩索),在这之后只会因为触碰无限钩索关闭方块恢复时间限制。如果你在拥有无限钩索的情况下,钩着玩家同时触碰无限钩索关闭方块,倒计时会从触碰到方块而不是钩索命中玩家时开始。通过设置地图参数sv_endless_drag 1或者在地图中放置全图无限钩索方块,可以启用地图中所有玩家的无限钩索。

玩家触碰禁钩方块后钩爪不会再命中其他玩家,此时钩索可以直接从其他玩家身上穿过,这之后可以通过触碰使钩方块解除。通过在地图里调整player_hooking 0或者放置全图禁钩方块,可以禁用在玩家之间的钩索交互。




玩家对于钩索的碰撞箱实际上比视觉上更大。虽然玩家和方块的体积看起来差不多,但是玩家的钩索判定范围更大更容易上钩。因此玩家站在角落里时,虽然看起来他处于墙缝后面,但只要他离角落够近,朝角落出钩还是可以钩中玩家,并且不需要钩索头精准地穿过墙缝。如果你想看清具体的判定范围,可以打开设置 -> Tee -> “胖胖的皮肤(DDFat)”。



Weak and strong hook are especially noticeable in parts where you hook the other tee along the floor and when hammerflying.

Maps requiring weak

Most parts are easier (or sometimes only possible) with strong hook. There are very few parts on older maps where weak is an advantage or only possible with weak.

Known list of parts with weak as advantage or required (incomplete):

  • On Insane 3 at tele 6: this part is only possible with weak hook. This is due to the speedups not being strong enough to push the tee up when using the strong hook.
  • On 2Long at position x = 380, y = 33: you have to do an edge hook with strong hook. With weak it is enough if the other tee holds right (by default, D).
  • On Fucktastic at tele 30: Similar to the 2Long part, but three times in a row and the edge is to high to jump on it.
  • On Next at tele 4: The tee holding the hook needs weak for hook to have enough upward momentum


The following tunes exist for the hook:

tune name default value comment
hook_length 380.0 Length of the hook. This is how far the hook can get before retracting. The length is always measured from the current position of the tee or the last hook teleporter.
hook_fire_speed 80.0 How far the hook advances each tick
hook_drag_accel 3.0 Factor to acceleration the hook gives each tick
hook_drag_speed 15.0 Maximum speed you can gain/give through the hook afterwards the accel is ignored
player_hooking 1 Enable/disable player hooking
hook_duration 1.25 Time in seconds how long tees can hook other tees

Advanced Behaviour

  • The hook has a maximum range. Once the hook reaches its maximum range, it will reset. Note that if you move away from the hook, that maximum range is reached faster, and you won’t hook as far. However, you can hook further by moving into the general hook direction.
  • The hook does not start directly at the border of your tee. Instead, it starts a bit further out, which makes it easier to hook through a gap between tiles when you are close to it.