Translations:Settings and Commands/8/en

From DDraceNetwork
Command Arguments Description
echo r[text] Echo the text
exec r[file] Execute the specified file
reset s[config-name] Reset a config to its default value
toggle s[config-option] i[value 1] i[value 2] Toggle config value
access_level s[command] ?i[accesslevel] Specify command accessibility (admin = 0, moderator = 1, helper = 2, all = 3)
access_status i[accesslevel] List all commands which are accessible for admin = 0, moderator = 1, helper = 2, all = 3
cmdlist List all commands which are accessible for users
ban id] ?i[minutes] r[reason] Ban ip for x minutes for any reason
ban_range s[first ip] s[last ip] ?i[minutes] r[reason] Ban ip range for x minutes for any reason
unban entry] Unban ip/banlist entry
unban_range s[first ip] s[last ip] Unban ip range
unban_all Unban all entries
bans ?i[page] Show banlist (page 0 by default, 20 entries per page)
bans_save s[file] Save banlist in a file
ban id] ?i[minutes] r[reason] Ban player with ip/client id for x minutes for any reason
ban_region id] ?i[minutes] r[reason] Ban player in a region
ban_region_range s[region] s[first ip] s[last ip] ?i[minutes] r[reason] Ban range in a region
kick i[id] ?r[reason] Kick player with specified id for any reason
status ?r[name] List players containing name or all players
shutdown ?r[reason] Shut down
logout Logout of rcon
show_ips ?i[show] Show IP addresses in rcon commands (1 = on, 0 = off)
record ?s[file] Record to a file
stoprecord Stop recording
reload Reload the map
add_sqlserver 'w'] s[Database] s[Prefix] s[User] s[Password] s[IP] i[Port] ?i[SetUpDatabase ?] add a sqlserver
dump_sqlservers 'w'] dumps all sqlservers readservers = r, writeservers = w
auth_add s[ident] s[level] r[pw] Add a rcon key
auth_add_p s[ident] s[level] s[hash] s[salt] Add a prehashed rcon key
auth_change s[ident] s[level] r[pw] Update a rcon key
auth_change_p s[ident] s[level] s[hash] s[salt] Update a rcon key with prehashed data
auth_remove s[ident] Remove a rcon key
auth_list List all rcon keys
name_ban s[name] ?i[distance] ?i[is_substring] ?r[reason] Ban a certain nickname
name_unban s[name] Unban a certain nickname
name_bans List all name bans
tune s[tuning] ?i[value] Tune variable to value or show current value
toggle_tune s[tuning] i[value 1] i[value 2] Toggle tune variable
tune_reset ?s[tuning] Reset all or one tuning variable to default
tunes List all tuning variables and their values
tune_zone i[zone] s[tuning] i[value] Tune in zone a variable to value
tune_zone_dump i[zone] Dump zone tuning in zone x
tune_zone_reset ?i[zone] reset zone tuning in zone x or in all zones
tune_zone_enter i[zone] r[message] which message to display on zone enter; use 0 for normal area
tune_zone_leave i[zone] r[message] which message to display on zone leave; use 0 for normal area
mapbug s[mapbug] Enable map compatibility mode using the specified bug (example:
switch_open i[switch] Whether a switch is deactivated by default (otherwise activated)
pause_game Pause/unpause game
change_map ?r[map] Change map
random_map ?i[stars] Random map
random_unfinished_map ?i[stars] Random unfinished map
restart ?i[seconds] Restart in x seconds (0 = abort)
broadcast r[message] Broadcast message
say r[message] Say in chat
set_team i[id] i[team-id] ?i[delay in minutes] Set team of player to team
set_team_all i[team-id] Set team of all players to team
add_vote s[name] r[command] Add a voting option
remove_vote r[name] remove a voting option
force_vote s[name] s[command] ?r[reason] Force a voting option
clear_votes Clears the voting options
add_map_votes Automatically adds voting options for all maps
vote 'no'] Force a vote to yes/no
dump_antibot Dumps the antibot status
dbg_lognetwork Log the network
kill_pl v[id] Kills player v and announces the kill
totele i[number] Teleports you to teleporter v
totelecp i[number] Teleports you to checkpoint teleporter v
tele ?i[id] ?i[id] Teleports player i (or you) to player i (or you to where you look at)
addweapon i[weapon-id] Gives weapon with id i to you (all = -1, hammer = 0, gun = 1, shotgun = 2, grenade = 3, laser = 4, ninja = 5)
removeweapon i[weapon-id] removes weapon with id i from you (all = -1, hammer = 0, gun = 1, shotgun = 2, grenade = 3, laser = 4, ninja = 5)
shotgun Gives a shotgun to you
grenade Gives a grenade launcher to you
laser Gives a laser to you
rifle Gives a laser to you
jetpack Gives jetpack to you
weapons Gives all weapons to you
unshotgun Removes the shotgun from you
ungrenade Removes the grenade launcher from you
unlaser Removes the laser from you
unrifle Removes the laser from you
unjetpack Removes the jetpack from you
unweapons Removes all weapons from you
ninja Makes you a ninja
super Makes you super
unsuper Removes super from you
endless_hook Gives you endless hook
unendless_hook Removes endless hook from you
unsolo Puts you out of solo part
undeep Puts you out of deep freeze
livefreeze Makes you live frozen
unlivefreeze Puts you out of live freeze
left Makes you move 1 tile left
right Makes you move 1 tile right
up Makes you move 1 tile up
down Makes you move 1 tile down
move i[x] i[y] Moves to the tile with x/y-number ii
move_raw i[x] i[y] Moves to the point with x/y-coordinates ii
force_pause v[id] i[seconds] Force i to pause for i seconds
force_unpause v[id] Set force-pause timer of i to 0.
set_team_ddr v[id] i[team] Set ddrace team of a player
uninvite v[id] i[team] Uninvite player from team
vote_mute v[id] i[seconds] ?r[reason] Remove v's right to vote for i seconds
vote_unmute v[id] Give back v's right to vote.
vote_mutes List the current active vote mutes.
muteid v[id] i[seconds] ?r[reason] Mute player with id
muteip s[ip] i[seconds] ?r[reason] Mute player with IP address
unmute i[muteid]
unmuteid v[id] Unmute player with id
moderate Enables/disables active moderator mode for the player
save_dry Dump the current savestring
dump_log ?i[seconds] Show logs of the last i seconds
freezehammer v[id] Gives a player Freeze Hammer
unfreezehammer v[id] Removes Freeze Hammer from a player