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Practice Mode

From DDraceNetwork

Practice mode is a state in which tees are able to use certain chat commands to practice maps without worrying about failing.

To enable practice mode, tees must join a team and have a majority of the team members use the /practice chat command. This will then disable the ability to oficially finish the map, but will enable the use of the following commands:

TODO: Add descriptions to these

/addweapon, /deep, /endless, /grenade, /infjump, /invincible, /jetpack, /laser, /lasttp, /livefreeze, /ninja, /r, /removeweapon, /rescue, /rescuemode, /rifle, /setjumps, /shotgun, /solo, /tc, /telecursor, /teleport, /totele, /totelecp, /tp, /tpxy, /undeep, /unendless, /ungrenade, /uninfjump, /unjetpack, /unlaser, /unlivefreeze, /unninja, /unrifle, /unshotgun, /unsolo, /unweapons, /weapons