- furo:玩家和地图信息(Player and Map info).2024-05-28.[1]
- Ryozuki:DDNet专业服务器列表浏览器(DDNet Masterserver list explorer).2023-07-20.[2]
- Zwelf:Teeworlds,DDNet 和 KoG 在 Discord 上聊天的档案(Teeworlds, DDNet and KoG Discord chat archive).2023-07-14.
- Ryozuki:连接DDNet数据库的SQL网络接口(SQL Webinterface to DDNet database).2023-01-26.[3]
- k2d222.:地图协作编辑器(法)(Collaborative map editor) (Github). 2022-08-23.
- Patiga:地图在线预览(Mapview website) (Gitlab). 2022-05-22.
- Jupstar:DDNet网页版 (暂未联网)(DDNet Web client). 2022-03-27
- Jupstar:回放和地图提交网站(Demo render/map render website). 2022-03-27.
- Dante:Teeworlds的附加内容仓库(Teeworlds mod repository). 2022-03-04.
- NeXus:皮肤及材质(Teeskins). 2019-10-02. (Teedata as of 2023-02-13)
- Yuri Iozzelli:Teeworlds 网页版客户端(Teeworlds web client)[4].2019-09-17.
- 地图测试聊天档案(Map testing chat archive).2019-03-13.
- MrCosmo:Teeworlds服务实况(Teeworlds server status website). 2018-10-21.
- timakro:DDNet地图临时测试平台(DDNet Trashmap: Temporary map hosting). 2015-07-09.
- eeeee:teewebs.net - DDNet JavaScript 端口[5].2015-04-21.
- DDNet:官方皮肤数据库(Skin Database). 2015-01-25.
- DDNet:附加工具(编程语言 C++).
- heinrich5991:libtw2 含有大量的库(编程语言 Rust).
- Patiga:DDNet地图代码twmap - Rust库(编程语言:Rust).
- twstorage A Teeworlds/DDNet storage library by Patiga
- Zwelf:teehistorian - 历史分析器(编程语言:Rust).
- Zwelf:twgame - Teehistorian回放器(编程语言:Rust).
- Ryozuki:teemasterparser - 专业分析器 .
- Ryozuki:teestatus - 服务信息请求(编程语言:Rust).
- Ryozuki:teeint - Teeworlds整型变量封装和解包工具(编程语言:Rust).
- Swarfey:基于npm.js的Javascript版本的Teeworlds客户端(headless net-client)teeworlds(Gitlab)(编程语言:Javascript).
- Matodor:C#版本的Teeworlds客户端Tee#(编程语言:C#).
- ChillerDragon:Ruby 0.7版本的Teeworlds客户端(编程语言:Ruby).
- ddnet框架(ddnet-skeleton) 前言(readme)是一个库,用于提供运行在最新版本DDNet上的附加内容(modifications)的框架,调整了DDNet代码以支持团队、伤害、弹药、拾取和重生的功能的运行。
- hus3h:利用Gnome展示好友在线情况(DDNet friends Panel).
- ChillerDragon:由Python编译的teeworlds网络协议(A teeworlds network protocol library in Python).
- AssassinTee:地图自动填充助手(Automapper helper).
- Tristis:成为分身玩家需要的所有东西(Everything you need to be a dummy player).2023-08-24.
- Patiga:打破DDNet像素画的极限(Breaking Limits of DDNet Pixel Art).2023-08-23.
- Avolicious:KoG11年旅途感谢有你(11 years of KoG - Thank you for the journey).2023-04-01.
- ChillerDragon:Teeworlds 0.7 网络协议(The teeworlds 0.7 network protocol). 2022-11-01.
- Michael Larabel:在Phoronix.com网站上的添加Vulkan渲染器的DDNet合作游戏平台. 2022-09-18.
- deen:Dos攻击记录更新. 2022-05-16.
- Liam Dawe:在GamingOnLinux.com网站上的支持Vulkan的在线DDraceNetwork平台. 2022-04-04.
- deen:DDNet 2021年回顾. 2021-12-16.
- mmmds:Teeworlds:游戏地图分析器模糊测试——第一节(Fuzzing game map parsers, part 1 - Teeworlds). 2021-11-01.
- deen:DoS攻击记录. 2021-09-27.
- SteamsPlay:如何创建DDraceNetwork本地或联网服务器(How to create your own server (Local/Online)). 2021-05-10.
- Ryozuki:在DDraceNetwork中实现聊天命令(Implementing a chat command in DDraceNetwork). 2020-12-04.
- Hiroyuki:DDraceNetwork材质和皮肤包含如何下载(DDraceNetwork: Textures & Skins Pack (How to Download)). 2020-11-30.
- Ryozuki:DDraceNetwork中的代码习惯(Code conventions in DDraceNetwork). 2020-11-28.
- Pure_luck:Teeworlds拓展功能(Teeworlds modding).2020-11-20.
- Ryozuki:DDNet游戏源码介绍(An intro to the DDraceNetwork game source code),也可参阅dev.to. 2020-11-03.
- Pure_luck:感染模式进阶——带等级的僵尸拓展包(infNext: zombies mod with classes).2020-09-06.
- Baron Yeung:DDraceNetwork历史版本 1.0. 2020-08-27.
- MidnightTiger:如何添加DDraceNetwork皮肤. 2020-08-20.
- Liam Dawe:在GamingOnLinux.com上的《五年了,免费开源游戏DDraceNetwork终于上架Steam》. 2020-08-18.
- heinrich5991:关于解冻一刻的剖析(The Anatomy of a One Tick Unfreeze). 2019-09-28.
- Yuri Iozzelli:Porting a C++ multiplayer game to the Web with Cheerp, WebRTC and Firebase.2019-09-17.
- Michael Howell:第十八个月 bors 新闻稿——谁在使用 bors. 2018-07-01.
- Pipou:阻止利用漏洞的作弊行为(Preventing Cheats Due to Bugs). 2017-04-13.
- Pathos:运动规律:高速移动和控制下的力学(Movements: Mechanics of High Speed and Mastery). 2017-01-25.
- deen:DDNet直播: 在Twitch上观看联网游戏(DDNet Live: Twitch spectates an online game). 2016-01-10.
- deen:3年联网游戏运营经验(Experiences of Running an Online Game for 3 Years). 2016-06-09.
- deen:基于ServerStatus,RRDtool和Nim统计DDNet服务器数据(DDNet Server Statistics with ServerStatus, RRDtool and Nim). 2016-05-14.
- Onion:关于DDNet继续运行的公开信(DDNet keeps running). 2015-09-28.
- deen:关于DDraceNetwork彻底停服的公告(The End of DDraceNetwork). 2015-09-25.
- deen:DDNet史. 2015-07-16.
- deen:世界各地的DDRace/TW社区. 2015-07-14.
- timakro:DDNet地图回收站. 2015-07-09.
- traitor:Teeworlds年表. 2013-09-10.
- Dune:定制音效发展比声速还慢. 2011-09-15.
- Dune:Teeworlds文件下载. 2011-09-14.
- Dune:为Teeworlds定制的音效. 2011-09-12.
- Dune:Teeworlds 0.7 暂停命令. 2011-09-09.
- Dune:Teeworlds 0.7 高级计分板. 2011-09-08.
- PrimeviL:教程:如何在游戏中移动(Tutorials: GAMEPLAY Movements). 2008-01-22.
- 英语社区:
- 2022-09-26: Teeworlds Bridge Portal (two-way chat bridge)
- 2020-10-31: skins.tw (Teeworlds Data) Discord
- 2018-07-12: DDNet Reddit
- 2018-01-28: Teeworlds Discord
- https://archive.strct.cc/teeworlds/上的聊天记录
- https://ddnet.org/irclogs/teeworlds上的IRC博文
- 2017-03-23: Ninslash Discord
- 2016-12-17[6]: DDNet Discord
- Developer channel is bridged to IRC: #ddnet on QuakeNet
- Most text channels are now bridged to Matrix: #ddnet:matrix.org.2023-08-27[7]
- https://archive.strct.cc/teeworlds/上的聊天记录
- 2015-08-12[8]: Facebook page
- 2014-05-05[9]: DDNet Forum
- 2011-08-02: Teeworlds Reddit
- Official Teeworlds IRC: #teeworlds on QuakeNet
- https://kog.tw/ or https://qshar.com/: Discord
- 2008-03-22[10]: Teeworlds Forum
- Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/DDraceNetwork
- 德语社区:
- 2015-05-05: http://chillerdragon.weebly.com/
- 2009-12-24[11] - 2020-12-24: Teeworlds Friends
- 俄语社区:
- 2014-07-27: http://teedes.ru/
- 2014-02-06: http://vk.com/jb_clan
- 2011-08-17: http://vk.com/twrus
- 2010-12-10: https://tee.community/old/ (read-only)
- 波兰语社区:
- 中文社区:
- 2015-08-25: https://teeworlds.cn
- DDNet
- Teeworlds
- Teeworlds数据
- 钩累死之王|Kog|
- 献祭模式(fng - noby)
- 献祭模式(FNG)
- iCTF
- 孟买
- Race
- 官方感染频道
- Gores 和 DDrace 0.7 (Law 服务器)
- Vanilla pro scene
- gCTF
- fokkonaut's playground
- PvP 智利
- MRPG - Teeworlds
- DDPer
- iF|City Server
- big nouis
- DDRaceNetworkFR
- DDNet 巴西
- Teeworlds friends
- Teeworlds Bridge Portal (two-way chat bridge)
- 超凡社区 (俄罗斯)
- tee.community
- DDRusNetwork
- -StormAx lounge
- TeeSports
- 每日更新DDNet Doxygen Render
- DDraceNetwork问题汇总(伪 Wiki) v3 (中文)
- https://wiki.teeworlds.cn/ddnet (中文)
- Robyt3:队伍颜色可视化(Team Color Visualization).2024-06-16.
- ChillerDragon:Teeworlds 0.6 & 0.7 网络协议. 2022-10-25.
- b3z:DDNet绑定备忘录(DDNet bindings cheatsheet). 2020-11-26.
- RafaelFF:ArchWiki - DDRaceNetwork. 2018-02-02.
- heinrich5991:Teeworlds技巧文档(Teeworlds technical documentation)(在ddnet.org上呈现). 2015-09-02.
- Lady Saavik (解释),Soreu和timakro:游戏层方块解释(Game tiles explanations)(代码). 2015-05-28.
- deen:如何制作DDNet地图. 2014-05-05.
- Teeworlds文档(Teeworlds Documentation). 2013-08-12.
- iPodClan:Fandom上关于Teeworlds游戏类型的维基(Fandom Teeworlds Wiki about gametypes). 2013-08-10.
- Jose Mendez:Fandom上关于Teeworlds皮肤和开发的维基Fandom Teeworlds Wiki about skins and development. 2011-06-16.
- erdbeere 和 SushiTee:Teeworlds地图格式(The Teeworlds map format). 2010-12-16.
- Fandom上的Teeworlds维基(Fandom Teeworlds Wiki). 2008-07-18
- heinrich5991:Tee和朋友们(德语)
- heinrich5991:地图合集(Map collection). 2013-08-28.
- Skins/mapres/etc (teedata.net dump): https://assets.ddstats.org/
- 维基百科(Wikipedia)上已删除的草稿页面.
- 油管(YouTube)自动生成的DDNet频道
- Reddit上r/place中的DDNet入口.
- Steam界面.
- Steamdb界面.
- steamcharts.com
- speedrun.com
- linuxreviews.org
- openbenchmarking.org
- libregamewiki.org中的推荐游戏界面. 2022-04-01[12].
- wikidata.org
- repology.org
- igdb.com
- gamepretty.com
- pcgameingwiki.com
- https://livzzo.tinosmarble.com/games/ddracenetwork/
- https://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/ddracenetwork
- https://www.wtfast.com/en/games/ddracenetwork/
- https://www.protondb.com/app/412220
- https://spiele-release.de/spiele/ddracenetwork/
- https://www.edivaldobrito.com.br/como-instalar-o-cliente-ddracenetwork-no-linux-via-flatpak/
- https://itc.ua/blogs/steam-predstavil-top-20-luchshih-novyh-igr-avgusta-2020-goda/
- https://onedio.com/haber/dolarin-vaziyetine-ragmen-kaliteli-ama-ucretsiz-oyun-oynamak-isteyenler-icin-steam-deki-en-eglenceli-oyunlar-1091172
- https://topmmogames.org/ddracenetwork
- https://www.stupidedia.org/stupi/DDNet
- 2024-06-28: How to make a skin? by TortiLeq
- Tristis:如何通过更改默认的DDNet声音文件定制自己的音效(How to change the default DDNet sound files for custom sound effects).2022-07-25.
- Nick Joy:如何使用DDRaceNetwork地图编辑器(DDRaceNetwork - How to Use the Map Editor). 2021-02-11.
- Nick Joy:在简单图中逆必须知道的技巧(Every Technique You Need To Know (Novice). 2021-03-01.
- Aoe:DDRace菜鸟训练营——第二章:速飞(DDRace Noob School - Episode 2: Speed Fly). 2020-10-01.
- louis:DDraceNetwork教学——给新手玩家的基础引导(DDraceNetwork Tutorial - Basic Guide for New Players). 2020-08-18.
- ChillerDragon:Teeworlds程序运行(Teeworlds programming). 2020-03-19.
- Aoe:DDRace菜鸟训练营——第一章:动脑(DDRace Noob School - Episode 1: Using Brain). 2017-02-07.
- Index:逐步制作DDNet地图(DDNet - Mapping ABC). 2015-10-05.
- Index:DDNet教程以及其他有用的链接(DDNet - Tutorials and other useful links). 2015-10-05.
- Aoe:如何制作DDRACE地图-第二部分(Teeworlds - How to map a DDRACE map. - Part 2). 2015-04-26.
- Aoe:如何制作DDRACE地图-第一部分(Teeworlds - How to map a DDRACE map. - Part 1). 2015-04-26.
- timakro:制作地图自动贴图教程(Automapper Tutorial). 2014-10-28.
- 2gethR:地图夹层教程(Maps Envelope Tutorial). 2014-09-06.
- jxsl13:如何定制自己的地图自动贴图的规则(How to set up your own rules for automapper) . 2011-12-13.
- ↑ https://archive.strct.cc/ddnet/2024-05-28/general.html#chatlog__message-container-1245058809521766410
- ↑ https://archive.strct.cc/ddnet/2023-07-18/developer.html#chatlog__message-container-1130894578375983154
- ↑ https://archive.strct.cc/ddnet/2023-01-26/developer.html#chatlog__message-container-1068289943203483658
- ↑ https://medium.com/leaningtech/porting-a-c-multiplayer-game-to-the-web-with-cheerp-webrtc-and-firebase-29fbbc62c5ca
- ↑ https://forum.ddnet.org/viewtopic.php?p=13204
- ↑ https://forum.ddnet.org/viewtopic.php?p=46942#p46942
- ↑ https://archive.strct.cc/ddnet/2023-08-21/developer.html#chatlog__message-container-1143182879552188416
- ↑ https://forum.ddnet.org/viewtopic.php?p=21502
- ↑ https://forum.ddnet.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2
- ↑ https://www.teeworlds.com/?page=journal&id=942
- ↑ https://teeworlds-friends.de/thread/9036-8-jahre-teeworlds-friends/
- ↑ https://libregamewiki.org/index.php?title=Libregamewiki:Suggested_games&diff=61504&oldid=61402