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在遊戲內的任何界面下,按下ctrl+⇧ Shift+E也可以直接進入地圖編輯器界面。
















在貼圖層存在標誌,提示或警告時,必須在實體層當中添加「Turn Off Entities(關閉實體層)」的標記;













    • 新建(New)ctrl+N:新建地圖文件;
    • 讀取(Load)ctrl+I:讀取地圖文件;
    • 讀取當前地圖(Load Current Map)ctrl+alt+I:若在遊戲過程中或回放中進入了編輯器界面,點擊此按鈕會載入當前遊戲所使用的地圖;
    • 添加(Append)ctrl+A:將一個地圖文件里的所有素材添加到當前地圖中;
    • 保存(Save)ctrl+S:保存當前地圖;
    • 另存為(Save As)ctrl+⇧ Shift+S:以另一文件名保存當前地圖,同時以該文件名繼續編輯地圖;
    • 保存副本(Save Copy)ctrl+⇧ Shift+alt+S:以另一文件名保存當前地圖,但以原文件名繼續編輯地圖;
    • 當保存副本時所使用的地圖名與現有文件重複時,完成保存後會以該文件名繼續編輯地圖。
    • 退出(Exit):退出編輯器界面。





    • X.Y:表示當前鼠標光標所處於地圖編輯器的位置,單位為網格;
    • Z:表示當前地圖的縮放比例值,在編輯器內載入地圖時默認為200;
    • A:表示當前地圖動畫的播放倍速,默認為1;
    • G:表示當前地圖網格線的尺寸大小,默認為1;
    • 10:18:本地時間。


退出編輯器界面。快捷鍵ctrl+⇧ Shift+E



    • 展示細節(HD)ctrl+H:預覽當前地圖在高質量模式下的外觀;
    • 展示動畫(Anim)ctrl+M:預覽當前地圖所設置的動畫效果;
    • 展示視野邊界(Proof)ctrl+P:預覽玩家的最大視野範圍;
    • 藍色圓圈表示玩家的實際位置,
    • 紅色框線和綠色框線表示在不同解像度下可觀察到的最大範圍,
    • 白色框線表示在開啟動態視野後可觀察到的最大範圍。
    • 展示遊戲內視覺效果(Zoom):預覽玩家在實際遊戲當中看到的畫面;
    • 展示網格(Grid)ctrl+G:開啟網格線;
    • 展示信息(Info)ctrl+I:預覽實體或貼圖的詳情信息,內容包括但不限於實體或貼圖所屬ID、貼圖動畫軌跡、貼圖變形情況;
    • 放置不可用貼圖(Unused)ctrl+U:允許在地圖中放置不可用的貼圖,現代地圖中已不常用該功能;
    • 展示顏色(Color):預覽當前筆刷所設定的顏色,關閉後筆刷將顯示原配色,但不影響放置後貼圖所設定的顏色;
    • 實體層選擇(Entitles):選擇當前地圖需要使用的實體層類別,根據地圖所應用到的遊戲模式不同,編輯器中選擇的實體層也應有所不同。



  • 擴大視野(ZO)numpad-:擴大操作區的視野,每次擴大50點比例值;
    • 擴大視野(ZO)numpad-:擴大操作區的視野,每次擴大50點比例值;
    • Scrolling the mouse wheel down also expands the field of view by 20 scale points per scroll, expanding the field of view in this way up to a maximum of 2000 scale points.
  • 1:1 numpad*: restores the field of view to the default scale value.
  • ZI (zoom in) numpad+: reduces the field of view of the operation area by 50 points of scale value at a time.
    • Roll the mouse wheel upward to also reduce the field of view by 20 scale points per scroll frame, and reduce the field of view in this way up to 10 scale points.

[7] Brush functionality

Descriptions from left to right:

  • X/X (Horizontal flip) N: flips the contents of the brush horizontally.
  • Y/Y (Vertical flip) M: flips the contents of the brush vertically.
  • 90° (Rotation angle): the angle at which the content in the brush is turned each time it is rotated, which can be modified by holding down this button and sliding the mouse left and right, holding down ⇧ Shift during the modification process for more precise modification.
    • You can only choose from 90°, 180° and 270° angles.
  • CCW (Counterclockwise rotation) R: rotates the contents of the brush counterclockwise at an angle.
  • CW (Clockwise rotation) T: rotates the content in the brush clockwise at a certain angle.

[8] Layers/Images/Sounds management

In this area you can manage different groups of layers including the physics layer. By clicking on the top button "Layers", you can add images and sound resources to the map. Layer management area, here is responsible for managing the map's layer groups and layers, as well as the invocation of the mapping material, picture material, and sound material. Pressing will also switch to the image management interface, or pressing will switch to the sound management interface


  • Layers (left click) : Switch to Image management
  • Layers (right click) : Switch to Sound management
  • Click "Add group" at the bottom to add a new group.
  • Right-click a group to set the parameters of that group
  • Right-click a layer to set the parameters of that layer
待辦: Explain right click menu in group and layer with images


  • Images (left click) : Switch to Sound management
  • Images (right click) : Switch to Layer management
  • Click the Add button to add image clips from the default clip folder to the map file.
  • Embedded area means the clips of this series have been embedded in the map file, when downloading the map, this kind of file will be included in the map file volume.
  • External area means that the material of this series is located outside the map, it is the default material in the game, when downloading the map, this kind of file will not be counted in the map file volume. When the map needs to call the image material of this area, it will directly call the file with the same name from the player's local default material library.
    • Regardless of the location of the clip, when the clip file is white or red (selected), it means the clip is being used by the map; when the clip file is blue or purple (selected), it means the clip is not yet used by the map.
  • Left-click on a file that has been added to preview the image in the right workspace, and right-click on the file to perform the following actions.
    • Readd: Overwrite the clip by calling a file with the same name directly from the default clip library.
    • Replace: select a clip file to overwrite the clip.
    • Remove: removes the clip file.
    • When right-clicking on a file in the External area, an additional Embed option will appear to move the file into the Embedded area.


  • Sounds (left click) : Switch to Layer management
  • Sounds (right click) : Switch to Image management
  • Click the Add button to add sound clips from the default clip folder to the map file. Currently DDNet game editor only accepts opus format audio files.
  • Right-click on a file to perform the following actions.
    • Readd: Overwrite a clip by calling a file with the same name directly from the default clip library.
    • Replace: select a clip file to overwrite the clip.
    • Remove: Remove the clip file.

[9] Context dependent actions

Additional buttons that will change depending on the selected layer.

On all layers

When any layer is selected, the following buttons appear:

  • Refocus home: immediately focuses the view to the upper left corner of the map.
  • Goto XY: immediately focuses the view to a specific coordinate of the map. Clicking this button sets the coordinate in its drop-down menu, and then clicking the Go button focuses the view to that coordinate.
  • Destructive mode ctrl+D: When Destructive mode is enabled, the area the brush passes over will be completely covered and the texture of this area will be replaced; when Destructive mode is disabled, the area the brush passes over will only be filled with the location that is not filled with the texture.
  • When Game or Tile layer is selected: Add Border: Adds a two-tile wide border to the current layer, using the texture of the selected layer's No. 2 map.
  • When Switch layer is selected: Switch ctrl+A: Set the number of the next placed switch layer entity. In the drop-down menu: Number is used to set the number, Delay is used to set the number of additional information, and F (shortcut: ctrl+F) is used to automatically set the unused number.
  • When Speedup layer is selected: Speedup ctrl+A: Set the parameters for the next placement of the speedup entity. In the drop-down menu, Force is used to set how much speed the belt can provide, Max Speed is used to set the maximum speed you can have at the belt, and Angle is used to set the direction of the belt.
  • When the Tele layer is selected: Tele ctrl+A: Sets the number of the next entity to be placed in the transmission area. The drop-down menu: Number is used to set the number, and F (shortcut: ctrl+F) is used to automatically set the unused number.
  • When Tune layer is selected: Tune ctrl+A: Set the number of the next placed adjustment zone entity. In its drop-down menu, Zone is used to set the number.
  • When the Quads layer is selected: Add Quad ctrl+Q: Adds a picture set by the current layer to the workspace. If no picture is set for that layer, a plain white square of 2*2 grid size is added by default.
  • When the Sounds layer is selected. Add Sound ctrl+Q: Adds a sound set by the current layer to the workspace.

[10] Mapping area

Workspace, where all the components needed for the map are placed.

待辦: Explain in more detail

[11] Hint area

When the mouse hovers over a button, the hint area will appear with the function of the button and a keyboard shortcut for the button function.

[12] Server setting

You can change Map settings to change server behavior. For example setting a map to be a solo map.

待辦: Explain in more detail

[13] Envelopes

Envelope animation: this is responsible for setting the animation effect in the map.

待辦: Explain in more detail

Explain in detail what is marked "to be explained in detail" above. Full explanation of the features in the editor. Discuss the similarities and differences between modern maps and traditional and classical maps, or discuss their backstories.

Write a short tutorial on mapping.

External Resources