Клиент DDNet имеет множество команд и настроек, которые можно забиндить практически на любую клавишу или кнопку мыши. Вы можете вводить команды в консоль, которая по умолчанию вызывается нажатием клавиши F1.
Одиночное бинды
bind [key] [command/setting] [value]
Это основной синтаксис для простых биндов.
- [key] - это клавиша на клавиатуре/мыши, к которой вы хотите привязать команду.
- [command/setting] Полный список всех команд и настроек можно найти здесь.
- [value] - переменная, на которую вы хотите установить настройку или аргумент для команды. Не все команды требуют аргументов.
Вы можете найти коды ключей здесь, или просто временно введите ключ в один из элементов управления на странице Settings > Controls в клиенте DDNet, и он покажет имя ключа. Вы также можете использовать клавиши-модификаторы с биндами.
bind ctrl+[key] [command/setting] [value]
вы можете использовать ctrl, alt, shift и gui. Gui используется для обозначения клавиши windows в windows, command в macOS/osx и super/meta в linux.
Многократные бинды
Вы также можете объединить команды/настройки в цепочку, разделив их точкой с запятой и заключив в кавычки. Вы можете добавить в эту цепочку столько команд, сколько захотите.
bind [key] "[command/setting] [value]; [command/setting] [value]"
Важно знать, что при бинде вещей подобным образом все команды / настройки выполняются игрой в одно и то же время, что означает, что они не будут выполняться последовательно в том порядке, в котором вы их записываете. Нет команды типа sleep или delay для размещения объектов так, как вы хотите. Лучший способ заставить события происходить в упорядоченной последовательности - это либо забиндить другой [key] для каждого шага последовательности, либо использовать конфигурационные файлы для многократного нажатия одной клавиши для последовательного чтения нескольких файлов.
Вложенные биндов
Вы можете поместить несколько строк, заключенных в кавычки, в одну строку, экранируя каждый новый набор кавычек обратной косой чертой.
bind [key] "bind [key] \"[command/setting] [value]; bind [key] \\\"[command/setting] [value] \\\"\""
Поскольку заключенные в кавычки строки становятся глубже, вам также необходимо избегать обратной косой черты. Поскольку каждый новый слой снова будет удалять их, вам нужно удвоить количество обратных косых черт для каждого слоя. Максимальное количество слоев, которые вы можете использовать, равно "'5"', прежде чем консоль выдаст вам сообщение об ошибке. Это связано с тем, что консоль имеет максимальное ограничение на количество символов "'255"'. Количество обратных косых черт для 6 слоев равно "'240"' (1*2 + 3*2 + 7*2 + 15*2 + 31*2 + 63*2), оставляя вам только символы "'15".
1 = 1 \ 2 = 3 \\\ 3 = 7 \\\\\\\ 4 = 15 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 5 = 31 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
Если это выглядит запутанно, попробуйте сделать новую строку и отступ для каждой сбегающей цитаты, чтобы получить более четкое визуальное представление о происходящем.
bind [key] "bind [key] \"[command/setting] [value]; bind [key] \\\"[command/setting] [value]; bind [key] \\\\\\\"[command/setting] [value] \\\\\\\" \\\" \" "
Примечание: Вы не можете запустить файл конфигурации, отформатированный так, как показано в примере выше, он не будет работать. Этот пример приведен только для того, чтобы получить четкое визуальное представление о том, как строится вложенный бинд.
Useful Commands & Settings
Toggles are a way to use a single key to alternate between 2 values for a setting. There are two types of toggles.
- toggle is used so that each time you press a key, it will change between one of the two values for the setting
- +toggle is used so that your first value is set only while the key is being pressed, and the second value is set when the key is released.
bind [key] toggle [setting] [value1] [value2]
bind [key] +toggle [setting] [value1] [value2] Toggles only work for client settings. They cannot be used for client or chat commands.
Say is an important client command for binding. It allows you to incorporate chat commands into a bind as well as just send text to the chat.
bind [key] say /[chat command]
bind [key] say [chat message]
Some client commands allow you to set colors.
- player_color_body
- player_color_feet
- cl_message_client_color
are a few examples.
To get the correct color values, go to Settings > Tee, and use the sliders to find the color you want. Go into the console and type the command for the color you're trying to set, by itself with no value. The number that comes after "Value:" is the relevant number.
player_color_body 5635840 or, if you prefer to use the hexadecimal value:
player_color_body $00FF00
It will also accept a few color values by name. red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, magenta, white, gray, black all work.
Команда emote может быть использована для отображения эмоций без использования колеса эмоций. Каждый эмойт представлен отдельным номером.
emote 0 | oop |
emote 1 | exclamation |
emote 2 | hearts |
emote 3 | drop |
emote 4 | dotdot |
emote 5 | music |
emote 6 | sorry |
emote 7 | ghost |
emote 8 | sushi |
emote 9 | splattee |
emote 10 | deviltee |
emote 11 | zomg |
emote 12 | zzz |
emote 13 | wtf |
emote 14 | eyes |
emote 15 | question |
For example:
bind h emote 14
binds [key] You can use this command to print what's bound to a single key. Use it without a key at the end to get a full list of all your current binds.
unbind [key]
Will unbind whatever key you specify.
Using Config Files
For more complicated binds, you can make text files containing settings/commands that get executed via a key press.
[command/setting] [value] [command/setting] [value] [command/setting] [value]; [command/setting] [value] [command/setting] [value]; [command/setting] [value] bind [key] [command/setting] [value] bind [key] exec [file.cfg]
Settings/commands can be chained together via a semicolon or by just using a new line. You can put as many commands/settings/binds as you want in these files.
Note: You don't need to use .cfg as the extension. You can actually use any file extension you want. .cfg just seems to be the standard.
In order to execute these files, you need to put them in correct directory and execute them with the exec command. The correct path depends on your operating system. To find the right path for your operating system, see Where is the DDNet config, config directory or save directory?
Once the files are in the correct path, you can execute them in the game console with the exec command.
exec [file.cfg]
bind [key] exec [file.cfg]
You can use sub-directories within the 'DDNet' or 'Teeworlds' directory to organize files. Just include the path when you execute the file.
bind [key] exec [path/to/file.cfg]
Improved toggle with config files
The most common reason to use config files is to create a single-key toggle to alternate between two files.
[command/setting] [value] [command/setting] [value] [command/setting] [value] bind [key] exec file2.cfg
[command/setting] [value] [command/setting] [value] [command/setting] [value] bind [key] exec file1.cfg
In this case, [key] would be the same key in both files. This way each time you press the key, it will switch to the other file. Once you have both of these files in the correct path, you can exec either one just once and they will be bound forever until you unbind them.
bind [key] exec file1.cfg
You can use this method to cycle between any amount of files.
As a more clear way to show which file you're activating when you press a bind, you can use the echo command to display which one is active.
[command/setting] [value] [command/setting] [value] echo setting ON bind [key] exec file1.cfg
To take this a step further, there is a command to change the color of the echo messages.
[command/setting] [value] [command/setting] [value] cl_message_client_color red echo setting OFF bind [key] exec file1.cfg
Having different colors for "on" and "off" binds makes it a bit easier to notice which setting you've activated. If you want to get more creative with colors, see colors.
You can put comments in your bind files too.
# These lines change some settings
[command/setting] [value]
[command/setting] [value]
# This next line rebinds the key
bind [key] exec file1.cfg
Hook line always on
The command cl_show_hook_coll_own, sets whether you will see your own hook collision line or not when you hold your +showhookcoll bind (defaulted to S). When set to 2, your hook collision line will always show only to you. Others players won't see it.
cl_show_hook_coll_own 2 cl_message_client_color green echo Hook Line ON bind x exec hook_line_off.cfg
cl_show_hook_coll_own 1 cl_message_client_color red echo Hook Line OFF bind x exec hook_line_on.cfg
Put both of these in the correct path, and in console:
bind x exec hook_line_on.cfg
Everyone's hooklines
The command cl_show_hook_coll_other allows you to see other tee's hooklines, which can be useful when they are out of your view. You can add this to the basic hookline bind to "upgrade" it:
bind x "+showhookcoll; +toggle cl_show_hook_coll_other 2 1"
Deep Fly
The deep fly bind is a way to make your dummy hammer/fire toward you whenever you fire with your main tee. If your dummy is deep frozen, they can hammer back at you when you hammer them with this bind on. You can use this to fly with your dummy, but it takes practice. If your dummy is not deep frozen, you can just use this as a alternative version of the regular Dummy Hammerfly bind included in the games settings, where you can fire your pistol each time you want to be hammered. It offers better control since you can control the timing of your dummy's hammers.
Note: If the mapper has set sv_deepfly 0
on their map, you will not be able to deep fly with a deep frozen tee, since it can sometimes enable players to do parts in ways that the mapper did not intend. The deep fly bind will still work normally with frozen or unfrozen tees. As a player, this is not a setting you can adjust.
The command cl_dummy_hammer 1 is what is used for the regular Dummy Hammerfly bind in the games control options. By using a toggle, you can make your dummy hammer you only when you fire, and can make an on/off switch with config files.
Using 2 Config Files
bind mouse1 "+fire; +toggle cl_dummy_hammer "1 0" cl_message_client_color green echo Deep Fly ON bind x exec deepfly_off.cfg
bind mouse1 +fire cl_dummy_hammer 0 cl_message_client_color red echo Deep Fly OFF bind x exec deepfly_on.cfg
Put both of these in the correct path, and in console:
bind x exec deepfly_on.cfg
Using 1 Config File
You can accomplish the same thing as above using only 1 config file.
bind x "bind mouse1 \"+fire; +toggle cl_dummy_hammer 1 0\";cl_message_client_color green; echo Deep Fly ON; bind x \"bind mouse1 +fire; cl_dummy_hammer 0; cl_message_client_color red; echo Deep Fly OFF; exec deepfly.cfg\"" Put this file in the correct path, and in console:
bind x exec deepfly.cfg
Note 1: This assumes mouse1 is your +fire bind.
Note 2: If you turn deep fly off while you're holding your +fire bind, your dummy will get stuck in a hammering rhythm since cl_dummy_hammer is set to 1 still. The cl_dummy_hammer 0 line in deepfly_off.cfg fixes this.
Weapon Swapping
If your dummy isn't holding hammer when you turn the bind on, they will switch back and forth between pistol and hammer. If you want to fix this:
cl_dummy_restore_weapon 0
Now if they're holding pistol when you start using the bind, they will switch to hammer and stay there after 1 pistol shot. There are however some benefits of having this setting set to 1.
cl_dummy_restore_weapon 1
This will allow you to laser yourself with your dummy with perfect aim. It can also be useful with shotgun.
To manage dealing with both of these settings, you can either create a toggle, use config files, or have this setting attached to your weapon binds.
bind [key] "+weapon1; cl_dummy_restore_weapon 0"
bind [key] "+weapon5; cl_dummy_restore_weapon 1" This of course only works if you have dedicated weapon binds as opposed to +nextweapon and +prevweapon which is by default bound to mousewheelup and mousewheeldown.
45° Aiming
This bind allows you to only aim in 45° angles when holding down the key. This is useful for shooting rockets straight up for double rockets and a few other scenarios.
bind x "+toggle cl_mouse_max_distance 2 400; +toggle inp_mousesens 1 200; +showhookcoll"
Keep in mind that if you have changed cl_mouse_max_distance or inp_mousesens from the default, using the example above will reset those settings to default. Before you just enter the binds, check your settings for both first by typing cl_mouse_max_distance and inp_mousesens into the console.
bind x "+toggle cl_mouse_max_distance 2 [Your Value]; +toggle inp_mousesens 1 [Your Value]; +showhookcoll"
Note: the +showhookcoll line is optional. It's just helpful to see which way you're aiming since your tee's eyes don't follow the 45° constraints, and by nature of how this bind works, your crosshair won't show direction either.
Rainbow Tee
You will sometimes see players rapidly changing color as they play. To do this you just have to bind a player_color_body change to each of your regular movement inputs.
bind a "+left; player_color_body red"
You can do this for several common inputs and get a variety of to cycle through.
bind a "+left; player_color_body red" bind d "+right; player_color_body yellow" bind space "+jump; player_color_body green" bind mouse1 "+fire; player_color_body blue" bind mouse2 "+hook; player_color_body cyan"
Here's an example of what a rainbow tee file looks like. You could save that in the correct path and execute it once.
exec rainbow_tee.cfg
Or if you want a key to toggle it on and off:
bind a "+left; player_color_body red" bind d "+right; player_color_body yellow" bind space "+jump; player_color_body green" bind mouse1 "+fire; player_color_body blue" bind mouse2 "+hook; player_color_body cyan" bind x exec rainbow_tee_off.cfg
bind a +left bind d +right bind space +jump bind mouse1 +fire bind mouse2 +hook bind x exec rainbow_tee_on.cfg
Put both of these in the correct path, and in console:
bind x exec rainbow_tee_on.cfg
You can of course get more creative with colors and use player_color_feet too. To learn more about how colors work, see colors
Note: This assumes you have default binds for left, right, jump, fire, and hook.
See also
- Just bind it - Useful binds available for copying
- Take Binding to the next level, with Scripting! - Another forum post about more advanced binds
- Teeworlds New Binding Tutorial by Klex - A video tutorial about binds by KlexMikrowelle