Rankings y puntos

From DDraceNetwork
Revision as of 03:41, 5 October 2024 by PapotaV (talk | contribs)

Al terminar mapas en servidores DDNet, puedes ganar rankings y puntos.


Cada vez que un jugador termina un mapa, su tiempo de finalización se registra en un archivo. Estos tiempos se conocen como ranks'. Si estás en el equipo 0, tus tiempos se denominan simplemente ranks, pero si terminas en cualquier equipo (1-63), tus tiempos se conocen como ranks de equipo'. Algunos datos de ranks y ranks de equipo pueden consultarse en el sitio web de DDNet como Global o Regional ranks. [1] [2] [3].

Ranking (equipo 0)

Finishing a map in team 0 gains you a rank for that map. Team 0 is the default team a tee is assigned to when joining a server. Even though it is referred to as team 0, you can think of it as being "not in a team". If a group of tees is halfway through a map in team 0, you can cross the start line and catch up to them. This would not be possible of those tees were in a team, because you wouldn't be able to interact with them. This allows for players to "cheat" parts, or do what is known as team 0 skipping. For this reason, non-team ranks recorded for a map are usually much faster than team ranks, because they probably skipped a number of parts, taking advantage of being in team 0. If you have rank 300 on a map, that means you have the 300th fastest team 0 time for that map. You can check your rank on a map by going to your Player Profile, or by running the /rank chat command in-game.

Ranking de equipos (teams 1-63)

Before crossing the start line on a map, you can join a team by using the /team chat command. In a team, if one player kills they will be put back into team 0, so they will not be able to go catch up to the rest of their old teammates. You cannot join a team once any of the team members have crossed the start line. If you use the /lock command, you prevent anybody else from joining your team unless you invite them with the /invite command. If your team is locked, any tee who kills will result in killing the entire team, but it will keep you in the same team rather than placing you back in team 0. Finishing a map in a team gains you a team rank for that map. Since team 0 skipping is not possible in a team, the recorded team ranks for any given map are often a better representation of players playing the map as the design intended. If you have team rank 300 on a map, that means you have the 300th fastest time for that map in a team. You can check your team rank on a map by going to your Player Profile, or by running the /teamrank chat command in-game. It is not possible to gain a team rank for all solo maps and most dummy maps.

Rankings globales

Global ranks is a term that refers to all map finishes globally. This includes finishes on every server from every region. If you go to the map pagefor any map, you can see the global ranks by default. This page displays both global ranks and global team ranks (referred to as "records" and "team records") for just the top 20 times for that map.

Rankings regionales

Regional ranks is a term that refers to map finishes across all servers in a specific region. If you go to the map page for any map, you can click on a specific region in the sidebar to see regional ranks for that map. For example, here is the USA ranks for the map "Sunny Side Up". These are the regional ranks for USA for just the top 20 times on the map.

Running the /rank command while connected to a server on any map will show you your global and regional ranks.


You earn points for finishing a map you've never finished before. DDNet has several categories of maps, explained by the list below.

  • Novato - Los mapas más sencillos para principiantes.
  • Moderado - Mapas moderados para jugadores intermedios.
  • Brutal - Mapas desafiantes para jugadores avanzados.
  • Insane - Mapas muy difíciles para expertos.
  • Dummy - Un segundo tee que puedes controlar (conocido como dummy) se congela, el objetivo es mover el dummy hasta la meta.
  • DDmaX - Estos son mapas que existieron en un antiguo servidor llamado DDracemaX que existió entre el 2009 y el 2014.
  • Oldschool - Mapas antiguos que traen nostalgia a los viejos jugadores. Estos son viejos mapas no DDmaX que existieron antes de DDNet.
  • Solo - Juega el mapa solo. Sin dummies ni interferencias con otros usuarios (puedes chatear con otros jugadores).
  • Carrera - Mapas del modo de juego Carrera, en su mayoría compuestos por mosaicos enganchables/desenganchables y centrado en el movimiento con el lanza granadas.
  • Fun - Mapas para divertirse (sin puntos).

Every map has a difficulty indicated by its star value. The higher the star value, the harder the map is. A map can have anywhere between 0 and 5 stars. Below is a chart of the different map categories and their point amounts per star value.

✰✰✰✰✰ ★✰✰✰✰ ★★✰✰✰ ★★★✰✰ ★★★★✰ ★★★★★
Novice - 1 2 3 4 5
Moderate 5 7 9 11 13 15
Brutal - 18 21 24 27 30
Insane - 34 38 42 46 50
Dummy - 10 15 20 25 30
DDmaX 0 4 8 12 16 20
Oldschool - 6 12 18 24 30
Solo 0 4 8 12 16 20
Race 0 2 4 6 8 10

Los puntos para cada categoría/dificultad se calculan del siguiente modo.

Server Type Multiplier Offset
Novice 1 0
Moderate 2 5
Brutal 3 15
Insane 4 30
Dummy 5 5
DDmaX 4 0
Oldschool 6 0
Solo 4 0
Race 2 0

Según esta fórmula y este gráfico, se puede concluir que un mapa Brutal con un valor de 3 estrellas valdría 24 puntos. Un mapa Moderado con un valor de 0 estrellas valdría 5 puntos.

You can check your points in-game at any time by entering the /points chat command. Your points are also displayed at the top of your Player Profile. The points listed on your Player Profile and by using the /points command are global. This means that if you finish a 15 point map twice on two different servers, you will still only gain 15 points.

Puntos de ranking de equipo

If you look at your Player Profile, you'll notice next to your points that there is another section labeled Team Rank. The points listed here are an entirely separate points system from your regular and Rank points. You can gain Team Rank points by completing maps in any team (1-63) with a rank of 10 or lower. The Team Rank points awarded for these finishes are based on the chart below.

Place Points
1st 25
2nd 18
3rd 15
4th 12
5th 10
6th 8
7th 6
8th 4
9th 2
10th 1

Your Team Rank points value might change if other players get faster times than you.

Puntos de Ranking

If you look at your Player Profile, you'll notice next to your points and Team Rank points that there is another section labeled Rank. The points listed here are an entirely separate points system from your regular and Team Rank points. You can gain Rank points by completing maps in team 0 with a rank of 10 or lower. The Rank points awarded for these finishes are based on the chart below.

Place Points
1st 25
2nd 18
3rd 15
4th 12
5th 10
6th 8
7th 6
8th 4
9th 2
10th 1

Your Rank points value might change if other players get faster times than you.

Puntos Globales y Regionales

If you navigate to the main Ranks page, you can see a list of the 20 players who have the most points, rank points, and team rank points. You can click the top 500 / top 20 link in the top right corner to show 500 players instead of 20. These are global ranks, meaning they're the collective data from all finishes on all servers in all regions. If a player finishes a 15 point map twice on two different servers, their global points value will be 15. If you navigate to a regional ranks page, the page will display the 20 players with the most points for that specific server region. The points on this page are specific to finishes on that server. If you have gained 500 points on USA server, and 500 points on CAN server, your global points will be 1000, but the USA Ranks page will only show that you have 500 points. This works the same for rank and team rank points. For example, if you have a map finish that is rank 10 globally, and rank 1 on USA server, the rank points section on your Player Profile will display that you have 1 rank point, but the USA Ranks page will display that you have 25 rank points. If you finish a 20 point map twice, once on USA server and once on CAN server, the regional ranks pages for those servers will both add those 20 points. This means that by adding your points displayed on multiple regional ranks pages, the total number can be greater than your global points value. It is not possible to see your points or rank/teamrank points for a specific region unless your values are in the top 500.


  1. Hay algunos datos de acabado de mapas a los que no se puede acceder a través del sitio web de DDNet. Esto incluye puntos, puntos de ranking de equipo y puntos de ranking de cualquier servidor regional en caso de no estar entre los 500 primeros y todos los datos de llegada a meta de los mapas, además de tu mejor tiempo y la fecha de tu primera llegada a meta para cualquier mapa en particular. No obstante, todos los datos de acabado de mapas de DDNet están disponibles en formato CSV o SQL en la parte inferior de la página Statistics page.
  2. Para acceder a los datos de finalización de un mapa en particular al que no se puede acceder a través del sitio web, puedes utilizar el comando /times en el juego. Por ejemplo, si escribes /times tela 6 en el chat mientras estás conectado al mapa "Sunny Side Up", podrás ver los rankings más rápidos del 6º al 10º en el mapa "Sunny Side Up" por tela.
  3. Puedes ejecutar tus propias consultas SQL contra la base de datos oficial DDNet en formato SQLite aquí: https://ddnet.org/stats/sql.js/ para acceder a más datos de ranking que no están disponibles en el sitio web.