
From DDraceNetwork
Revision as of 15:25, 31 October 2023 by Darkh (talk | contribs)


設置名稱 說明 默認值 最小值 最大值
sv_hit 玩家能否使用錘子/榴彈發射器/激光槍擊中其他玩家 1 0 1
sv_endless_drag 無限鈎索是否默認開啟 0 0 1
sv_freeze_delay 玩家在觸碰凍結區域後會默認凍結多少秒(適用於除開關層設置的凍結區域以及深度凍結區域之外的所有情況) 3 1 30
sv_save_worse_scores 是否在已取得的較好記錄的前提下保存較差記錄 1 0 1
sv_pauseable 玩家是否可以使用spec指令 0 0 1
sv_team 地圖組隊設置(0 = 禁止組隊, 1 = 推薦組隊, 2 = 強制組隊, 3 = 強制單人) 1 0 3
sv_min_team_size 隊伍的最小隊員數(如果一個隊伍完成地圖時人數小於該值,則他們不會獲得團隊排名) 2 1 64
sv_max_team_size 隊伍的最大隊員數(當一個隊伍中的隊員數已達到該值,會阻止其他玩家加入該隊伍) 64 1 64
sv_old_laser 玩家是否會被自身發射的霰彈槍激光擊中,並將玩家拉向激光的反射點處(所有現代地圖應將此項設置為0)。開啟會導致霰彈槍激光無法擊中發射者自身,並且在擊中其他玩家時,其他玩家會被拉向發射者而非激光的反射點處。 0 0 1
sv_no_weak_hook 開啟後會使得所有玩家使用鈎索和發生碰撞時候展現出強鈎特性 0 0 1
sv_reset_pickups 玩家經過起點線後是否重置其所持有的武器 0 0 1
sv_show_others_default 玩家默認情況是否可以看見他人(2 = 僅所在隊伍) 0 0 2
sv_plasma_range 等離子炮台偵測玩家的範圍 700 1 99999
sv_plasma_per_sec 等離子炮台每秒發射的子彈數量 3 0 50
sv_dragger_range 光索偵測玩家的範圍 700 1 99999
sv_solo_server 設置地圖為單人模式(玩家之間除聊天外無法進行任何交互,伺服器會在加載地圖之前就啟用該參數) 0 0 1
sv_old_teleport_weapons 所有武器均可用於傳送(該參數已棄用,已使用新版實體代替,請勿更改) 0 0 1
sv_old_teleport_hook 鈎索可穿過傳送區域(該參數已棄用,已使用新版實體代替,請勿更改) 0 0 1
sv_teleport_hold_hook 玩家被傳送後已釋放的鈎索不斷開 0 0 1
sv_teleport_lose_weapons 玩家被傳送後重置所有武器(在競速地圖中常用) 0 0 1
sv_deepfly 是否允許處於深度凍結狀態的玩家在瞬時解凍時使用錘子 1 0 1
sv_destroy_bullets_on_death 玩家死亡時立即清除他們發射的彈幕 1 0 1
sv_destroy_lasers_on_death 玩家死亡時立即清除他們發射的激光 0 0 1
指令 參數 說明
tune s[調整內容] ?i[數值] 調整全地圖的默認參數
toggle_tune s[調整內容] i[數值1] i[數值2] 切換全地圖的默認參數
tune_zone i[區域編號] s[調整內容] i[數值] 調整特定編號區域的參數
tune_zone_enter i[區域編號] r[信息] 進入特定區域後向玩家展示一條信息;區域編號0指向常規區域
tune_zone_leave i[區域編號] r[信息] 離開特定區域後向玩家展示一條信息;區域編號0指向常規區域
mapbug s[地圖漏洞] 使用特定漏洞來開啟地圖兼容模式(例如:doubleexplosion@ddnet.tw)(意義不明...)
switch_open i[開關編號] 設置默認特定開關處於未激活狀態(否則處於激活狀態)


設置名稱 說明 默認值 最小值 最大值
password 進入伺服器的密碼 ""
events 啟用節日模式(例如在某些節日裏玩家的默認表情發生變化,或在聖誕節里獲得特殊皮膚) 1 0 1
logfile 設置保存輸出信息的日誌文件名 ""
logappend 更改日誌文件時總是添加新信息而不覆蓋原有記錄 1 0 1
loglevel 調整日誌文件中的信息數量(-3 = 無,-2 = 僅錯誤,-1 = 警告,0=信息,1 = 調試,2 = 傳輸軌跡) 0 -3 2
stdout_output_level 調整系統控制台中的信息數量(-3 = 無,-2 = 僅錯誤,-1 = 警告,0 = 信息,1 = 調試,2 = 傳輸軌跡) 0 -3 2
console_output_level 調整本地/遠程控制台中的信息數量(-3 = 無,-2 = 僅錯誤,-1 = 警告,0 = 信息,1 = 調試,2 = 傳輸軌跡) 0 -3 2
console_enable_colors 啟用控制台輸出文本的顏色變化 1 0 1
sv_name 伺服器的名字 "unnamed server"
bindaddr 綁定客戶端/伺服器的地址 ""
sv_ipv4only 設置是否只綁定IPv4,否則綁定所有可用接口 0 0 1
sv_port 設置伺服器的端口 (只有位於8303-8310之間的端口才能在局域網中使用,將該項設置為0會在上述範圍中自動尋找一個可用端口) 0 0 0
sv_hostname 主機名稱 (僅0.7版本有效) ""
sv_map 伺服器使用的地圖 "Sunny Side Up"
sv_max_clients 伺服器允許的最大玩家數量 64 1 64
sv_max_clients_per_ip 伺服器允許同一IP位址下的最大玩家數量 4 1 64
sv_high_bandwidth 使用高帶寬模式,伺服器所需的帶寬增加一倍。僅在局域網中使用 0 0 1
sv_register 將伺服器註冊至官方伺服器並加入公開列表,也允許使用一系列用逗號分隔的協議來註冊,例如「ipv4,ipv6」 "1"
sv_register_extra Extra headers to send to the register endpoint, comma separated 'Header: Value' pairs ""
sv_register_url 設置要註冊到的官方主伺服器URL "https://master1.ddnet.org/ddnet/15/register"
sv_rcon_password 一級管理員遠程控制台密碼(擁有全部權限) ""
sv_rcon_mod_password 二級管理員遠程控制台密碼(擁有部分權限) ""
sv_rcon_helper_password 三級管理員遠程控制台密碼(擁有部分權限) ""
sv_rcon_max_tries 登錄遠程控制台的最大嘗試次數 30 0 100
sv_rcon_bantime 當登錄遠程控制台超過次數上限時封禁該玩家的時長(單位為分鐘),0代表僅踢出該玩家 5 0 1440
sv_auto_demo_record 自動錄製回放 0 0 1
sv_auto_demo_max 自動錄製回放的最大數量(0表示無限制) 10 0 1000
sv_tee_historian 開啟後會將玩家完整的遊戲流程記錄在磁盤當中(注意:啟用該項會佔用磁盤相當大部分的空間) 0 0 1
sv_vanilla_antispoof 啟用原生Antispoof(反混淆) 1 0 1
sv_dnsbl 啟用DNSBL(域名系統黑名單) 0 0 1
sv_dnsbl_host 用於IP驗證的DNSBL提供者的主機名 ""
sv_dnsbl_key 特定DNSBL提供者的可選認證密鑰 ""
sv_dnsbl_vote 阻止黑名單地址進行投票 0 0 1
sv_dnsbl_ban 自動封禁黑名單地址 0 0 1
sv_dnsbl_chat 禁止來自黑名單的地址進行聊天 0 0 1
sv_rcon_vote 僅允許已認證客戶端進行投票 0 0 1
sv_player_demo_record 為每名玩家自動錄製回放 0 0 1
sv_demo_chat 將聊天內容添加至回放中 0 0 1
sv_server_info_per_second 每秒發送完整伺服器信息響應的最大數量(0表示沒有限制) 50 0 10000
sv_van_conn_per_second 反混淆的限流框架(0表示沒有限制) 10 0 10000
sv_sixup 啟用sixup連接 1 0 1
sv_skill_level 為Teeworls 0.7設置難度等級(0:休閒模式,1:普通模式,2:經濟模式) 1 0 2
debug Debug模式(調試模式) 0 0 1
dbg_curl Debug curl 0 0 1
dbg_hitch 故障警告 0 0 0
dbg_stress Stress systems(僅限調試版本) 0 0 0
http_allow_insecure 允許在安全的HTTPS連接中額外使用不安全的HTTP協議。大部分情況下對測試有幫助。 0 0 1
sv_welcome 當玩家加入伺服器時展示的問候信息 ""
sv_reserved_slots 為特定玩家預留的伺服器位置數量 0 0 64
sv_reserved_slots_pass 加入為特定玩家預留的位置所需的密碼 ""
sv_reserved_slots_auth_level 使用預留位置需要的最低管理員等級。(4 = 禁用) 1 1 4
sv_hit 玩家之間是否可以用錘子/榴彈炮/激光進行交互 1 0 1
sv_endless_drag 是否默認開啟無限鈎索 0 0 1
sv_test_cmds 是否啟用測試指令/作弊指令(該選項僅在初始配置中生效) 0 0 1
sv_freeze_delay 玩家進入凍結狀態後自然解凍所需的秒數(適用於除了開關層的凍結區域和深度凍結區域之外的所有凍結區域) 3 1 30
sv_endless_super_hook 超管玩家是否開啟無限鈎索 0 0 1
sv_hide_score 是否公佈玩家成績 0 0 1
sv_save_worse_scores 是否在玩家已擁有更好成績的情況下用較差成績將其覆蓋 1 0 1
sv_pauseable 玩家是否可以使用spec指令 0 0 1
sv_pause_messages 是否在玩家使用spec時向其展示信息 0 0 1
sv_pause_frequency 兩次使用spec的最短時間間隔 1 0 9999
sv_invite 是否允許玩家邀請其他玩家入隊 1 0 1
sv_invite_frequency 兩次邀請之間的最短時間間隔 1 0 9999
sv_tele_others_auth_level 傳送至其他玩家身上時需要的身份驗證級別 1 1 3
sv_emotional_tees 玩家發送表情時,面部表情是否隨之改變(1:改變,0:不變,-1:完全不變) 1 -1 1
sv_emoticon_ms_delay 玩家連續發送兩個冒泡表情的間隔毫秒數 3000 20 999999999
sv_global_emoticon_ms_delay 玩家連續發送兩個冒泡表情至所有客戶端的間隔毫秒數(該設置僅在大於等於sv_emoticon_ms_delay的值時有效) 3000 20 999999999
sv_eye_emote_change_delay 兩次面部表情發生變化的最短時間間隔 1 0 9999
sv_chat_delay 兩次聊天的最短時間間隔 1 0 9999
sv_team_change_delay 兩次玩家改變所屬隊伍的最短時間間隔 3 0 9999
sv_info_change_delay 兩次玩家信息刷新的最短時間間隔(包括名稱,皮膚,顏色),為避免彩虹tee泛濫,應將其設置為很高的數值 5 0 9999
sv_vote_time 投票的持續時間 25 1 9999
sv_vote_map_delay 兩次地圖投票的最短時間間隔 0 0 9999
sv_vote_delay 兩次任意投票的最短時間間隔 3 0 9999
sv_vote_kick_delay 兩次投票移除玩家的最短時間間隔 0 0 9999
sv_vote_yes_percentage 投票生效或失效所需要的對應投票玩家所佔百分比 50 1 100
sv_vote_majority 是否開啟投票的反對選項,默認開啟 0 0 1
sv_vote_max_total 一次投票可參與的最多人數(0代表無限制) 0 0 64
sv_vote_veto_time 玩家加入伺服器多久後才可以進行地圖投票(0表示禁用) 20 0 1000
sv_kill_delay 兩次使用kill的最短時間間隔 1 0 9999
sv_suicide_penalty 被擊殺和重生之間的最短時間間隔 0 0 9999
sv_map_window Map downloading send-ahead window 15 0 100
sv_fast_download 啟用快速下載地圖 1 0 1
sv_shotgun_bullet_sound 是否開啟瘋狂的霰彈槍子彈音效(?) 0 0 1
sv_region_name 伺服器所屬區域,用於區域禁令 "UNK"
sv_sql_servername 插入到記錄表中的SQL伺服器名稱 "UNK"
sv_savegames 是否啟用save和load指令 1 0 1
sv_saveswapgames_delay 在玩家讀取遊戲存檔或與其他玩家交換位置前的冷卻時間 30 0 10000
sv_saveswapgames_penalty 玩家在讀取存檔或與其他玩家交換位置後所獲得的懲罰時長 60 0 10000
sv_swap_timeout 連接超時後可持續存留在伺服器里的最長時間 180 0 10000
sv_swap 是否啟用swap指令 1 0 1
sv_use_sql Enables MySQL backend instead of SQLite backend (sv_sqlite_file is still used as fallback write server when no MySQL server is reachable) 0 0 1
sv_sql_queries_delay Delay in seconds between SQL queries of a single player 1 0 20
sv_sqlite_file File to store ranks in case sv_use_sql is turned off or used as backup sql server "ddnet-server.sqlite"
sv_use_upnp Enables UPnP support. (Requires -DCONF_UPNP=ON when compiling) 0 0 1
sv_ddrace_rules 是否展示模組默認規則 1 0 1
sv_rules_line1 第一行規則 ""
sv_rules_line2 第二行規則 ""
sv_rules_line3 第三行規則 ""
sv_rules_line4 第四行規則 ""
sv_rules_line5 第五行規則 ""
sv_rules_line6 第六行規則 ""
sv_rules_line7 第七行規則 ""
sv_rules_line8 第八行規則 ""
sv_rules_line9 第九行規則 ""
sv_rules_line10 第十行規則 ""
sv_team 地圖組隊設置(0 = 禁止組隊, 1 = 推薦組隊, 2 = 強制組隊, 3 = 強制單人) 1 0 3
sv_min_team_size 隊伍的最小人數(少於該人數的隊伍完成地圖不會獲得隊伍排名) 2 1 64
sv_max_team_size 隊伍的最大人數 64 1 64
sv_map_vote 是否允許使用map指令更換地圖 1 0 1
sv_announcement_filename 將會公告的文件,每個公告消息佔據一行 "announcement.txt"
sv_announcement_interval 公告文件中的公告持續展示分鐘數 300 1 9999
sv_announcement_random 設置逐行或者隨機公告 1 0 1
sv_old_laser 玩家可以被自己散彈槍的激光拉向牆體反彈點(默認新地圖均為0)。設置為 1 則激光無法擊中自己,並且擊中其他玩家時會將玩家拉向射擊者而不是牆體反彈點 0 0 1
sv_slash_me /me指令是否可用 0 0 1
sv_rejoin_team_0 隊伍完成地圖後自動返回默認隊伍 0 中(只對未鎖定隊伍有效) 1 0 1
sv_no_weak_hook 使用可選的遊戲刻計算,效果是所有玩家擁有強鈎 0 0 1
conn_timeout 判定網絡超時的秒數 100 5 1000
conn_timeout_protection 啟動網絡超時保護的秒數 1000 5 10000
sv_reset_pickups 玩家經過起點線後是否重置其所持有的武器 0 0 1
sv_show_others 玩家是否可以使用showothers指令 1 0 1
sv_show_others_default 玩家默認是否可以看見他人(2 = 僅自己隊伍) 0 0 2
sv_show_all_default 玩家默認是否可以看見所有tee 0 0 1
sv_max_afk_time 玩家變成暫離狀態的判定時長秒數(0 = 禁用) 300 0 9999
sv_plasma_range 等離子炮台偵測玩家的範圍 700 1 99999
sv_plasma_per_sec 等離子炮台每秒發射的子彈數量 3 0 50
sv_dragger_range 光索偵測玩家的範圍 700 1 99999
sv_vote_pause 允許投票暫停玩家(不同於移至旁觀) 1 0 1
sv_vote_pause_time 玩家被投票暫停後需要等待的秒數 10 0 360
sv_tune_reset 更換地圖時是否重置調整參數 1 0 1
sv_reset_file 用於執行改變地圖或重置伺服器默認設置的文件 "reset.cfg"
sv_input_fifo 用於伺服器控制台輸入的Fifo文件(無窗口)或命名管道(窗口) ""
sv_ddrace_tune_reset 是否在每次改變地圖都重置DDRace調整參數(sv_hit,sv_endless_drag 和 sv_old_laser) 1 0 1
sv_nameless_score 無名或默認名玩家是否擁有分數 1 0 1
sv_time_in_broadcast_interval 計分板上傳間隔秒數 1 0 60
sv_default_timer_type 設置默認顯示時間的方式,每局/回合遊戲計時器或廣播。(0 = 每局/回合計時器,1 = 廣播,2 = 合併前兩者,3 = 無) 0 0 3
sv_chat_initial_delay 發送第一條消息前需要等待的秒數 0 0 360
sv_chat_penalty 每發送一條消息增加的聊天分數,並且每遊戲刻自動減少1 250 50 1000
sv_chat_threshold 設置玩家聊天分數閾值,當玩家發言次數太多超過此值會被禁言sv_spam_mute_duration所設置的秒數 1000 50 10000
sv_spam_mute_duration 針對聊天刷屏的禁言秒數,刷屏判定與上一行有關。0 = 關閉 60 0 3600
sv_shutdown_when_empty 伺服器無人時自動關閉 0 0 1
sv_reload_when_empty 伺服器無人時自動重載地圖(1 = 僅一次,2 = 每次伺服器清空) 0 0 2
sv_kill_protection 超時自殺保護判定,0 = 禁用,1-9999 = 分鐘數 20 0 9999
sv_solo_server 設置單人模式伺服器(玩家無法交互,必須在載入地圖前設置) 0 0 1
sv_client_suggestion 對非DDNet客戶端的玩家進行廣播內容 "Get DDNet client from DDNet.org to use all features on DDNet!"
sv_client_suggestion_old 對DDNet舊版本的玩家進行廣播內容 "Your DDNet client is old, update it on DDNet.org!"
sv_client_suggestion_bot 對機械人客戶端的玩家進行廣播內容 "Your client has bots and can be remotely controlled!\nPlease use another client like DDNet client from DDNet.org"
sv_banned_versions 設置自動踢出伺服器的客戶端id黑名單(用英文逗號間隔) ""
sv_netlimit 網絡限制:允許客戶端使用的網絡帶寬上限(kb/s) 0 0 10000
sv_netlimit_alpha 網絡限制:指數滑動平均的α權值 50 1 100
sv_connlimit 連接限制:單個IP在每個時間段允許的連接次數 5 0 100
sv_connlimit_time 連接限制:每個IP的連接時長限制 20 0 1000
sv_conn_logging_server 用於IP位址登錄的Unix套接字伺服器(僅Unix系統) ""
sv_warmup 每回合開始前的熱身時長秒數 0 0 0
sv_motd 客戶端今日消息 ""
sv_tournament_mode 錦標賽模式。開啟後,玩家將作為旁觀者加入伺服器 0 0 1
sv_spamprotection 垃圾信息保護 1 0 1
sv_spectator_slots 預留的旁觀席數量 0 0 64
sv_inactivekick_time 處理不活躍玩家前的等待分鐘數 0 0 1000
sv_inactivekick 不活躍玩家處理方法(0 = 移至旁觀,1 = 移至自由旁觀位/踢出,2 = 踢出) 0 0 2
sv_strict_spectate_mode 旁觀者模式的限制信息 0 0 1
sv_vote_spectate 允許投票將玩家移至旁觀位 1 0 1
sv_vote_spectate_rejoindelay 設置玩家被投票至旁觀後多少分鐘才能加入遊戲 3 0 1000
sv_vote_kick 允許投票踢出玩家 1 0 1
sv_vote_kick_min 發起踢出玩家投票所需最小的現有玩家數量 0 0 64
sv_vote_kick_bantime 投票踢出玩家後附帶封禁秒數。0則無封禁 5 0 1440
sv_join_vote_delay 新加入伺服器的玩家發起或參與投票需要等待的秒數 300 0 1000
sv_old_teleport_weapons 所有武器添加傳送功能(已棄用,請使用新增實體 0 0 1
sv_old_teleport_hook 鈎索穿過傳送門(已棄用,請使用新增實體 0 0 1
sv_teleport_hold_hook 設置鈎索在玩家被傳送後不斷開 0 0 1
sv_teleport_lose_weapons 被傳送的玩家失去所有拾取的武器(在某些競速地圖有用) 0 0 1
sv_deepfly 允許深度凍結的玩家使用非自動武器射擊 1 0 1
sv_destroy_bullets_on_death 玩家死亡時清空發射的彈丸類子彈 1 0 1
sv_destroy_lasers_on_death 玩家死亡時清空發射的激光類子彈 0 0 1
sv_mapupdaterate 64 player id <-> vanilla id players map update rate 5 1 100
sv_server_type 伺服器類別(簡單novice,中階moderate,……) "none"
sv_send_votes_per_tick 每遊戲刻發送的投票選項數量 5 1 15
sv_rescue 允許玩家在被凍結時使用/rescue指令自救(必須在初始配置中設置) 0 0 1
sv_rescue_delay 多次使用/rescue指令需要的間隔 1 0 1000
sv_practice 允許組隊時進入練習模式。此時玩家可以使用/rescue,但是遊戲記錄不計入成績 1 0 1
dbg_dummies 加入大量分身(僅調試模式) 0 0 64


設置名 描述 默認值 最小值 最大值
ec_bindaddr 綁定外部控制台的地址。除了危險的「localhost」之外的任意地址。 "localhost"
ec_port 使用外部控制台的端口 0 0 0
ec_password 外部控制台的秘密 ""
ec_bantime 客戶端在外部控制台身份驗證失敗時被封禁的時長。0 = 僅切斷連接。 0 0 1440
ec_auth_timeout 判定外部控制台身份驗證超時的秒數 30 1 120
ec_output_level 調整外部控制台中顯示的信息數量 1 0 2


指令 參數 說明
echo r[文本] 聊天框輸出文本
exec r[文件名] 運行指定配置文件
reset s[配置項] 重置此項配置的值
toggle s[配置項] i[值1] i[值2] 切換此項配置的值
access_level s[指令] ?i[權限等級] 設置特定指令的權限的等級(0 = 一級管理員,1 = 二級管理員,2 = 三級管理員,3 = 全部)
access_status i[權限等級] 列出當前權限等級下的可用指令(0 = 一級管理員,1 = 二級管理員,2 = 三級管理員,3 = 全部)
cmdlist 列出此用戶下的可用指令
ban s[ip|id] ?i[分鐘數] r[原因] 根據描述的原因將IP位址封禁數分鐘
ban_range s[ip首] s[ip尾] ?i[分鐘數] r[原因] 根據描述的原因將前後兩個IP界定的範圍內所有IP封禁數分鐘
unban s[ip|entry] 解禁特定IP/整個名單
unban_range s[ip首] s[ip尾] 解禁特定範圍的IP
unban_all 解除所有進入伺服器的禁令
bans ?i[頁數] 顯示封禁名單(0 = 默認,每頁顯示20項)
bans_save s[文件名] 將封禁名單保存在指定文件中
ban s[ip|id] ?i[分鐘數] r[原因] 根據描述的原因將玩家的IP位址或者客戶端ID封禁數分鐘
ban_region s[地區] s[ip|id] ?i[分鐘數] r[原因] 根據描述的原因將某個地區的IP位址封禁數分鐘
ban_region_range s[地區] s[ip首] s[ip尾] ?i[分鐘數] r[原因] 根據描述的原因,將某個地區前後兩個IP界定的範圍內所有IP封禁數分鐘
kick i[id] ?r[原因] 根據描述的原因將特定ID的玩家踢出伺服器
status ?r[名字] 列出包含該名字的玩家,保持為空則列出所有玩家
shutdown ?r[原因] 關閉伺服器
logout 管理員登出
show_ips ?i[顯示] 在管理員指令中顯示IP位址(1 = 打開,0 = 關閉)
record ?s[文件名] 保存記錄至文件
stoprecord 停止記錄
reload 重載地圖
add_sqlserver s['r'|'w'] s[數據庫] s[前綴] s[用戶] s[密碼] s[IP] i[端口] ?i[創建數據庫 ?] 添加一個SQL伺服器
dump_sqlservers s['r'|'w'] 轉儲所有SQL伺服器(r = 讀取伺服器,w = 寫入伺服器)
auth_add s[身份] s[等級] r[密碼] 添加一個管理員密鑰
auth_add_p s[身份] s[等級] s[哈希] s[鹽值] 添加一個預哈希的管理員密鑰
auth_change s[身份] s[等級] r[密碼] 更新此管理員密鑰
auth_change_p s[身份] s[等級] s[哈希] s[鹽值] 更新此條帶有預哈希數據的管理員密鑰
auth_remove s[身份] 移除此管理員密鑰
auth_list 列出所有管理員密鑰
name_ban s[名字] ?i[距離] ?i[是否子字符串] ?r[原因] 封禁特定的暱稱
name_unban s[暱稱] 解禁特定的暱稱
name_bans 列出所有封禁的暱稱
tune s[調整項] ?i[值] 修改調整項的值,值參數為空則顯示當前值
toggle_tune s[調整項] i[值 1] i[值 2] 調整項在兩值之間切換
tune_reset ?s[調整項] 重置指定的調整項為默認值,不指定則重置所有調整項
tunes 列出所有調整項與其當前值
tune_zone i[調整區域編號] s[調整項] i[值] 將此調整區域中的調整項設置為該值
tune_zone_dump i[調整區域編號] 轉儲此調整區域的數據
tune_zone_reset ?i[調整區域編號] 重置此調整區域的所有調整項,參數為空則重置所有調整區域
tune_zone_enter i[調整區域編號] r[消息] 當玩家進入此調整區域時會收到此消息(0 = 默認區域)
tune_zone_leave i[調整區域編號] r[消息] 當玩家離開此調整區域時會收到此消息(0 = 默認區域)
mapbug s[地圖漏洞] 啟用地圖兼容性模式來使用特定漏洞(例:grenade-doubleexplosion@ddnet.tw)
switch_open i[開關編號] 此開關是否默認為關閉狀態(否則默認開啟)
pause_game 暫停/繼續遊戲
change_map ?r[地圖] 更換地圖
random_map ?i[星級] 該星級的隨機地圖
random_unfinished_map ?i[星級] 該星級隨機的未通關地圖
restart ?i[秒數] 數秒後重新開始(0 = 中止)
broadcast r[信息] 廣播信息
say r[信息] 在聊天欄說話
set_team i[玩家名] i[隊伍編號] ?i[延遲分鐘數] 設置玩家的隊伍為此隊伍編號
set_team_all i[隊伍編號] 設置所有玩家的隊伍為此隊伍編號
add_vote s[投票項名] r[指令] 添加一個投票項與對應的執行指令
remove_vote r[投票項名] 移除此投票項
force_vote s[投票項名] s[指令] ?r[原因] 強制發起投票
clear_votes 關閉投票
add_map_votes 為所有地圖自動添加換圖的投票項
vote r['yes'|'no'] 強制投贊成/反對票
dump_antibot 轉儲反機械人狀況
dbg_lognetwork 登錄網絡
kill_pl v[玩家名] 處死玩家並公告
totele i[數字] 傳送自己至此編號傳送點
totelecp i[數字] 傳送自己至此編號檢查點傳送點
tele ?i[玩家名] ?i[玩家名] 將玩家傳送至另一玩家處,或者將自己傳送到自己的視角中心
addweapon i[武器編號] 給予自己此編號的武器(-1 = 所有,0 = 錘子,1 = 手槍,2 = 霰彈,3 = 榴彈,4 = 激光,5 = 武士刀)
removeweapon i[武器編號] 移除自身此編號的武器(-1 = 所有,0 = 錘子,1 = 手槍,2 = 霰彈,3 = 榴彈,4 = 激光,5 = 武士刀)
shotgun 裝備霰彈槍
grenade 裝備榴彈槍
laser 裝備激光槍
rifle 裝備激光槍
jetpack 將自己的手槍變為噴氣背包
weapons 裝備所有武器
unshotgun 移除自己的霰彈槍
ungrenade 移除自己的榴彈槍
unlaser 移除自己的激光槍
unrifle 移除自己的激光槍
unjetpack 移除自己手槍的噴氣背包功能
unweapons 移除自己的所有武器
ninja 裝備武士刀
super 裝備無限跳躍
unsuper 移除自身無限跳躍
endless_hook 裝備無限鈎索
unendless_hook 移除自身無限鈎索
unsolo 讓自己脫離單人模式
undeep 解除自身深度凍結
livefreeze 讓自己半身凍結
unlivefreeze 解除自身半身凍結
left 將自己向左平移一個單位距離
right 將自己向右平移一個單位距離
up 將自己向上平移一個單位距離
down 將自己向下平移一個單位距離
move i[x] i[y] 將自己向右平移x個單位距離,向下平移y個單位距離,x和y為負數時則往反方向,方塊邊長為1個單位距離
move_raw i[x] i[y] 將自己向右平移x個坐標點,向下平移y個坐標點,x和y為負數時則往反方向,方塊邊長為32個坐標點
force_pause v[玩家名] i[秒數] 強制此玩家暫停遊戲數秒
force_unpause v[玩家名] 解除此玩家的強制暫停狀態
set_team_ddr v[玩家名] i[隊伍編號] 設置此玩家的隊伍
uninvite v[玩家名] i[隊伍編號] 拒絕此玩家加入隊伍
vote_mute v[玩家名] i[秒數] ?r[原因] 在數秒內暫時解除此玩家的投票權
vote_unmute v[玩家名] 交還此玩家的投票權
vote_mutes 列出當前被移除投票權的玩家名單
muteid v[玩家名] i[秒數] ?r[原因] 禁言帶有此名字的玩家
muteip s[ip] i[秒數] ?r[原因] 禁言此IP位址的玩家
unmute i[禁言編號]
unmuteid v[玩家名] 解除此玩家的禁言
moderate 允許/禁用玩家有效的二級管理員模式
save_dry 轉儲當前的保存字符串
dump_log ?i[秒數] 顯示之前數秒內的登錄情況
freezehammer v[玩家名] 給予此玩家凍結錘子
unfreezehammer v[玩家名] 移除此玩家凍結錘子


指令 參數 說明
credits 顯示DDNet的製作人員名單
rules 顯示伺服器規則
emote ?s[表情名] i[持續秒數] 設置自己的眼部表情
eyeemote ?s['on'|'off'|'toggle'] 標準眼部表情開關(on = 開,off = 關,toggle = 切換為另一項且不顯示當前情況)
settings ?s[配置名] 顯示此伺服器該配置信息
help ?r[命令] 顯示該命令的輔助說明,留空則顯示常規的說明
info 顯示此伺服器的信息
list ?s[關鍵詞] 列出已連接的名字匹配該關鍵詞的玩家(不分大小寫)
me r[消息] 就像著名的irc命令 /me says hi 會顯示 <你的名字> says hi一樣
w s[玩家名] r[信息] 私信此玩家該信息
whisper s[玩家名] r[信息] 私信此玩家該信息
c r[信息] 對最後一條玩家的私信進行回復
converse r[信息] 對最後一條玩家的私信進行回復
pause ?r[玩家名] 原地停下並切換視角觀察此玩家
spec ?r[玩家名] Toggles spec (if not available behaves as /pause)
pausevoted Toggles pause on the currently voted player
specvoted Toggles spec on the currently voted player
dnd Toggle Do Not Disturb (no chat and server messages)
mapinfo ?r[map] Show info about the map with name r gives (current map by default)
timeout ?s[code] Set timeout protection code s
practice ?i['0'|'1'] Enable cheats (currently only /rescue) for your current team's run, but you can't earn a rank
swap ?r[player name] Request to swap your tee with another team member
save ?r[code] Save team with code r.
load ?r[code] Load with code r. /load to check your existing saves
map ?r[map] Vote a map by name
rankteam ?r[player name] Shows the team rank of player with name r (your team rank by default)
teamrank ?r[player name] Shows the team rank of player with name r (your team rank by default)
rank ?r[player name] Shows the rank of player with name r (your rank by default)
top5team ?s[player name] ?i[rank to start with] Shows five team ranks of the ladder or of a player beginning with rank i (1 by default, -1 for worst)
teamtop5 ?s[player name] ?i[rank to start with] Shows five team ranks of the ladder or of a player beginning with rank i (1 by default, -1 for worst)
top ?i[rank to start with] Shows the top ranks of the global and regional ladder beginning with rank i (1 by default, -1 for worst)
top5 ?i[rank to start with] Shows the top ranks of the global and regional ladder beginning with rank i (1 by default, -1 for worst)
times ?s[player name] ?i[number of times to skip] /times ?s?i shows last 5 times of the server or of a player beginning with name s starting with time i (i = 1 by default, -1 for first)
points ?r[player name] Shows the global points of a player beginning with name r (your rank by default)
top5points ?i[number] Shows five points of the global point ladder beginning with rank i (1 by default)
timecp ?r[player name] Set your checkpoints based on another player
team ?i[id] Lets you join team i (shows your team if left blank)
lock ?i['0'|'1'] Toggle team lock so no one else can join and so the team restarts when a player dies. /lock 0 to unlock, /lock 1 to lock.
unlock Unlock a team
invite r[player name] Invite a person to a locked team
showothers ?i['0'|'1'|'2'] Whether to show players from other teams or not (off by default), optional i = 0 for off, i = 1 for on, i = 2 for own team only
showall ?i['0'|'1'] Whether to show players at any distance (off by default), optional i = 0 for off else for on
specteam ?i['0'|'1'] Whether to show players from other teams when spectating (on by default), optional i = 0 for off else for on
ninjajetpack ?i['0'|'1'] Whether to use ninja jetpack or not. Makes jetpack look more awesome
saytime ?r[player name] Privately messages someone's current time in this current running race (your time by default)
saytimeall Publicly messages everyone your current time in this current running race
time Privately shows you your current time in this current running race in the broadcast message
timer ?s['gametimer'|'broadcast'|'both'|'none'|'cycle'] Personal Setting of showing time in either broadcast or game/round timer, timer s, where s = broadcast for broadcast, gametimer for game/round timer, cycle for cycle, both for both, none for no timer and nothing to show current status
r Teleport yourself out of freeze (use sv_rescue 1 to enable this feature)
rescue Teleport yourself out of freeze (use sv_rescue 1 to enable this feature)
tp ?r[player name] Teleport yourself to player or to where you are spectating if no player name is given
teleport ?r[player name] Teleport yourself to player or to where you are spectating if no player name is given
unsolo Puts you out of solo part
undeep Puts you out of deep freeze
kill Kill yourself when kill-protected during a long game (use f1, kill for regular kill)


Setting Description Default Min Max
cl_predict Predict client movements 1 0 1
cl_predict_dummy Predict dummy movements 1 0 1
cl_antiping_limit Antiping limit (0 to disable) 0 0 200
cl_antiping Enable antiping, i. e. more aggressive prediction. 0 0 1
cl_antiping_players Predict other player's movement more aggressively (only enabled if cl_antiping is set to 1) 1 0 1
cl_antiping_grenade Predict grenades (only enabled if cl_antiping is set to 1) 1 0 1
cl_antiping_weapons Predict weapon projectiles (only enabled if cl_antiping is set to 1) 1 0 1
cl_antiping_smooth Make the prediction of other player's movement smoother 0 0 1
cl_antiping_gunfire Predict gunfire and show predicted weapon physics (with cl_antiping_grenade 1 and cl_antiping_weapons 1) 1 0 1
cl_prediction_margin Prediction margin in ms (adds latency, can reduce lag from ping jumps) 10 1 2000
cl_nameplates Show name plates 1 0 1
cl_afk_emote Show zzz emote next to afk players 1 0 1
cl_nameplates_always Always show name plates disregarding of distance 1 0 1
cl_nameplates_teamcolors Use team colors for name plates 1 0 1
cl_nameplates_size Size of the name plates from 0 to 100% 50 0 100
cl_nameplates_clan Show clan in name plates 0 0 1
cl_nameplates_clan_size Size of the clan plates from 0 to 100% 30 0 100
cl_nameplates_ids Show IDs in name plates 0 0 1
cl_nameplates_own Show own name plate (useful for demo recording) 0 0 1
cl_nameplates_friendmark Show friend mark (♥) in name plates 0 0 1
cl_nameplates_strong Show strong/weak in name plates (0 - off, 1 - icons, 2 - icons + numbers) 0 0 2
cl_text_entities Render textual entity data 1 0 1
cl_text_entities_size Size of textual entity data from 1 to 100% 100 1 100
cl_authed_player_color Color of name of authenticated player in scoreboard 5898211
cl_same_clan_color Clan color of players with the same clan as you in scoreboard. 5898211
cl_enable_ping_color Whether ping is colored in scoreboard. 1 0 1
cl_autoswitch_weapons Auto switch weapon on pickup 1 0 1
cl_autoswitch_weapons_out_of_ammo Auto switch weapon when out of ammo 0 0 1
cl_showhud Show ingame HUD 1 0 1
cl_showhud_healthammo Show ingame HUD (Health + Ammo) 1 0 1
cl_showhud_score Show ingame HUD (Score) 1 0 1
cl_showhud_timer Show ingame HUD (Timer) 1 0 1
cl_showhud_dummy_actions Show ingame HUD (Dummy Actions) 1 0 1
cl_showhud_player_position Show ingame HUD (Player Position) 0 0 1
cl_showhud_player_speed Show ingame HUD (Player Speed) 0 0 1
cl_showhud_player_angle Show ingame HUD (Player Aim Angle) 0 0 1
cl_showhud_ddrace Show ingame HUD (DDRace HUD) 1 0 1
cl_showhud_jumps_indicator Show ingame HUD (Jumps you have and have used) 1 0 1
cl_show_freeze_bars Whether to show a freeze bar under frozen players to indicate the thaw time 1 0 1
cl_freezebars_alpha_inside_freeze Opacity of freeze bars inside freeze (0 invisible, 100 fully visible) 0 0 100
cl_showrecord Show old style DDRace client records 0 0 1
cl_shownotifications Make the client notify when someone highlights you 1 0 1
cl_showemotes Show tee emotes 1 0 1
cl_showchat Show chat (2 to always show large chat area) 1 0 2
cl_show_chat_friends Show only chat messages from friends 0 0 1
cl_show_chat_system Show chat messages from the server 1 0 1
cl_showkillmessages Show kill messages 1 0 1
cl_show_votes_after_voting Show votes window after voting 0 0 1
cl_show_local_time_always Always show local time 0 0 1
cl_showfps Show ingame FPS counter 0 0 1
cl_showpred Show ingame prediction time in milliseconds 0 0 1
cl_eye_wheel Show eye wheel along together with emotes 1 0 1
cl_eye_duration How long the eyes emotes last 999999 1 999999
cl_airjumpindicator 1 0 1
cl_threadsoundloading Load sound files threaded 1 0 1
cl_warning_teambalance Warn about team balance 1 0 1
cl_mouse_deadzone Deadzone for the camera to follow the cursor 0 0 3000
cl_mouse_followfactor Factor for the camera to follow the cursor 0 0 200
cl_mouse_max_distance Maximum cursor distance 400 0 5000
cl_mouse_min_distance Minimum cursor distance 0 0 5000
cl_dyncam Enable dyncam 0 0 1
cl_dyncam_max_distance Maximum dynamic camera cursor distance 1000 0 2000
cl_dyncam_min_distance Minimum dynamic camera cursor distance 0 0 2000
cl_dyncam_mousesens Mouse sens used when dyncam is toggled on 0 0 100000
cl_dyncam_deadzone Deadzone for the dynamic camera to follow the cursor 300 1 1300
cl_dyncam_follow_factor Factor for the dynamic camera to follow the cursor 60 0 200
cl_dyncam_smoothness Transition amount of the camera movement, 0=instant, 100=slow and smooth 0 0 100
cl_dyncam_stabilizing Amount of camera slowdown during fast cursor movement. High value can cause delay in camera movement 0 0 100
cl_multiview_sensitivity Set how fast the camera will move to the desired location (higher = faster) 100 0 200
cl_multiview_zoom_smoothness Set the smoothness of the multi-view zoom (in ms, higher = slower) 1300 50 5000
ed_autosave_interval Interval in minutes at which a copy of the current editor map is automatically saved to the 'auto' folder (0 for off) 10 0 240
ed_autosave_max Maximum number of autosaves that are kept per map name (0 = no limit) 10 0 1000
ed_smooth_zoom_time Time of smooth zoom animation in the editor in ms (0 for off) 250 0 5000
ed_limit_max_zoom_level Specifies, if zooming in the editor should be limited or not (0 = no limit) 1 0 1
ed_zoom_target Zoom to the current mouse target 0 0 1
ed_showkeys 0 0 1
cl_show_welcome 1 0 1
cl_motd_time How long to show the server message of the day 10 0 100
cl_map_download_url URL used to download maps (can start with http:// or https://) "https://maps.ddnet.org"
cl_map_download_connect_timeout_ms HTTP map downloads: timeout for the connect phase in milliseconds (0 to disable) 2000 0 100000
cl_map_download_low_speed_limit HTTP map downloads: Set low speed limit in bytes per second (0 to disable) 4000 0 100000
cl_map_download_low_speed_time HTTP map downloads: Set low speed limit time period (0 to disable) 3 0 100000
cl_languagefile What language file to use ""
cl_skin_download_url URL used to download skins "https://skins.ddnet.org/skin/"
cl_skin_community_download_url URL used to download community skins "https://skins.ddnet.org/skin/community/"
cl_vanilla_skins_only Only show skins available in Vanilla Teeworlds 0 0 1
cl_download_skins Download skins from cl_skin_download_url on-the-fly 1 0 1
cl_download_community_skins Allow to download skins created by the community. Uses cl_skin_community_download_url instead of cl_skin_download_url for the download 0 0 1
cl_auto_statboard_screenshot Automatically take game over statboard screenshot 0 0 1
cl_auto_statboard_screenshot_max Maximum number of automatically created statboard screenshots (0 = no limit) 10 0 1000
cl_default_zoom Default zoom level 10 0 20
cl_smooth_zoom_time Time of smooth zoom animation ingame in ms (0 for off) 250 0 5000
cl_limit_max_zoom_level Specifies, if zooming ingame should be limited or not (0 = no limit) 1 0 1
player_use_custom_color Toggles usage of custom colors 0 0 1
player_color_body Player body color 65408
player_color_feet Player feet color 65408
player_skin Player skin "default"
player_default_eyes Player eyes when joining server. 0 = normal, 1 = pain, 2 = happy, 3 = surprise, 4 = angry, 5 = blink 0 0 5
cl_skin_prefix Replace the skins by skins with this prefix (e.g. kitty, santa) ""
cl_fat_skins Enable fat skins 0 0 1
ui_page Interface page 9 6 10
ui_settings_page Interface settings page 0 0 9
ui_toolbox_page Toolbox page 0 0 2
ui_server_address Interface server address "localhost:8303"
ui_mousesens Mouse sensitivity for menus/editor 200 1 100000
ui_controller_sens Controller sensitivity for menus/editor 100 1 100000
ui_smooth_scroll_time Time of smooth scrolling animation in menus/editor in ms (0 for off) 500 0 5000
ui_color Interface color 0xE4A046AF
ui_colorize_ping Highlight ping 1 0 1
ui_colorize_gametype Highlight gametype 1 0 1
ui_close_window_after_changing_setting Close window after changing setting 1 0 1
ui_unread_news Whether there is unread news 0 0 1
gfx_noclip Disable clipping 0 0 1
dummy_name Name of the dummy ""
dummy_clan Clan of the dummy ""
dummy_country Country of the Dummy -1 -1 1000
dummy_use_custom_color Toggles usage of custom colors 0 0 1
dummy_color_body Dummy body color 65408
dummy_color_feet Dummy feet color 65408
dummy_skin Dummy skin "default"
dummy_default_eyes Dummy eyes when joining server. 0 = normal, 1 = pain, 2 = happy, 3 = surprise, 4 = angry, 5 = blink 0 0 5
cl_dummy 0 - player / 1 - dummy 0 0 1
cl_dummy_hammer Whether dummy is hammering for a hammerfly 0 0 1
cl_dummy_resetonswitch Whether dummy or player should stop pressing keys when you switch. 0 = off, 1 = dummy, 2 = player 0 0 2
cl_dummy_restore_weapon Whether dummy should switch to last weapon after hammerfly 1 0 1
cl_dummy_copy_moves Whether dummy should copy your moves 0 0 1
cl_dummy_control Whether can you control dummy at the same time (cl_dummy_jump, cl_dummy_fire, cl_dummy_hook) 0 0 1
cl_dummy_jump Whether dummy is jumping (requires cl_dummy_control 1) 0 0 1
cl_dummy_fire Whether dummy is firing (requires cl_dummy_control 1) 0 0 1
cl_dummy_hook Whether dummy is hooking (requires cl_dummy_control 1) 0 0 1
cl_show_start_menu_images Show start menu images 1 0 1
cl_skip_start_menu Skip the start menu 0 0 1
cl_video_pausewithdemo Pause video rendering when demo playing pause 1 0 1
cl_video_showhud Show ingame HUD when rendering video 0 0 1
cl_video_showchat Show chat when rendering video 1 0 1
cl_video_sound_enable Use sound when rendering video 1 0 1
cl_video_show_hook_coll_other Show other players' hook collision lines when rendering video 0 0 1
cl_video_show_direction Show players' key presses when rendering video (1 = other players', 2 = also your own) 0 0 2
cl_video_crf Set crf when encode video with libx264 (0 for highest quality, 51 for lowest) 18 0 51
cl_video_preset Set preset when encode video with libx264, default is 5 (medium), 0 is ultrafast, 9 is placebo (the slowest, not recommend) 5 0 9
dbg_tuning Display information about the tuning parameters that affect the own player (0 = off, 1 = show changed, 2 = show all) 0 0 2
player_name Name of the player ""
player_clan Clan of the player ""
player_country Country of the player -1 -1 1000
password Password to the server ""
events Enable triggering of events, (eye emotes on some holidays in server, christmas skins in client). 1 0 1
steam_name Last seen name of the Steam profile ""
logfile Filename to log all output to ""
logappend Append to logfile instead of overwriting it every time 1 0 1
loglevel Adjusts the amount of information in the logfile (-3 = none, -2 = error only, -1 = warn, 0 = info, 1 = debug, 2 = trace) 0 -3 2
stdout_output_level Adjusts the amount of information in the system console (-3 = none, -2 = error only, -1 = warn, 0 = info, 1 = debug, 2 = trace) 0 -3 2
console_output_level Adjusts the amount of information in the local/remote console (-3 = none, -2 = error only, -1 = warn, 0 = info, 1 = debug, 2 = trace) 0 -3 2
console_enable_colors Enable colors in console output 1 0 1
cl_save_settings Write the settings file on exit 1 0 1
cl_refresh_rate Refresh rate for updating the game (in Hz) 0 0 10000
cl_refresh_rate_inactive Refresh rate for updating the game when the window is inactive (in Hz) 120 0 10000
cl_editor 0 0 1
cl_editor_dilate Automatically dilates embedded images 1 0 1
cl_skin_filter_string Skin filtering string ""
cl_auto_demo_record Automatically record demos 1 0 1
cl_auto_demo_on_connect Only start a new demo when connect while automatically record demos 0 0 1
cl_auto_demo_max Maximum number of automatically recorded demos (0 = no limit) 10 0 1000
cl_auto_screenshot Automatically take game over screenshot 0 0 1
cl_auto_screenshot_max Maximum number of automatically created screenshots (0 = no limit) 10 0 1000
cl_auto_csv Automatically create game over csv 0 0 1
cl_auto_csv_max Maximum number of automatically created csvs (0 = no limit) 10 0 1000
cl_show_broadcasts Show broadcasts ingame 1 0 1
cl_print_broadcasts Print broadcasts to console 1 0 1
cl_print_motd Print motd to console 1 0 1
cl_friends_ignore_clan Ignore clan tag when searching for friends 1 0 1
cl_assets_entities The asset/assets for entities "default"
cl_asset_game The asset for game "default"
cl_asset_emoticons The asset for emoticons "default"
cl_asset_particles The asset for particles "default"
cl_asset_hud The asset for HUD "default"
cl_asset_extras The asset for the game graphics that do not come from Teeworlds "default"
br_filter_string Server browser filtering string "Novice"
br_exclude_string Server browser exclusion string ""
br_filter_full Filter out full server in browser 0 0 1
br_filter_empty Filter out empty server in browser 0 0 1
br_filter_spectators Filter out spectators from player numbers 0 0 1
br_filter_friends Filter out servers with no friends 0 0 1
br_filter_country Filter out servers with non-matching player country 0 0 1
br_filter_country_index Player country to filter by in the server browser -1 -1 999
br_filter_pw Filter out password protected servers in browser 0 0 1
br_filter_gametype Game types to filter ""
br_filter_gametype_strict Strict gametype filter 0 0 1
br_filter_connecting_players Filter connecting players 1 0 1
br_filter_serveraddress Server address to filter ""
br_filter_unfinished_map Show only servers with unfinished maps 0 0 1
br_filter_exclude_countries Filter out DDNet servers by country ""
br_filter_exclude_types Filter out DDNet servers by type (mod) ""
br_indicate_finished Show whether you have finished a DDNet map (transmits your player name to info.ddnet.org/info) 1 0 1
br_location Override location for ping estimation, available: auto, af, as, as:cn, eu, na, oc, sa (Automatic, Africa, Asia, China, Europe, North America, Oceania/Australia, South America "auto"
br_cached_best_serverinfo_url Do not set this variable, instead create a ddnet-serverlist-urls.cfg next to settings_ddnet.cfg to specify all possible serverlist URLs ""
br_filter_exclude_countries_kog Filter out kog servers by country ""
br_filter_exclude_types_kog Filter out kog servers by type (mod) ""
br_sort Sorting column in server browser 4 0 256
br_sort_order Sorting order in server browser 2 0 2
br_max_requests Number of concurrent requests to use when refreshing server browser 100 0 1000
br_demo_sort Sorting column in demo browser 0 0 3
br_demo_sort_order Sorting order in demo browser 0 0 1
br_demo_fetch_info Whether to auto fetch demo infos on refresh 0 0 1
snd_buffer_size Sound buffer size 512 128 32768
snd_rate Sound mixing rate 48000 5512 384000
snd_enable Sound enable 1 0 1
snd_enable_music Play background music 0 0 1
snd_volume Sound volume 30 0 100
snd_chat_volume Chat sound volume 30 0 100
snd_game_volume Game sound volume 30 0 100
snd_ambient_volume Map Sound sound volume 30 0 100
snd_background_music_volume Background music sound volume 30 0 100
snd_nonactive_mute 0 0 1
snd_game Enable game sounds 1 0 1
snd_gun Enable gun sound 1 0 1
snd_long_pain Enable long pain sound (used when shooting in freeze) 1 0 1
snd_chat Enable regular chat sound 1 0 1
snd_team_chat Enable team chat sound 1 0 1
snd_servermessage Enable server message sound 1 0 1
snd_highlight Enable highlighted chat sound 1 0 1
gfx_screen Screen index 0 0 15
gfx_screen_width Screen resolution width 0 0 0
gfx_screen_height Screen resolution height 0 0 0
gfx_screen_refresh_rate Screen refresh rate 0 0 0
gfx_desktop_width Desktop resolution width for detecting display changes (not recommended to change manually) 0 0 0
gfx_desktop_height Desktop resolution height for detecting display changes (not recommended to change manually) 0 0 0
gfx_borderless Borderless window (not to be used with fullscreen) 1 0 1
gfx_fullscreen Set fullscreen mode: 0=no fullscreen, 1=pure fullscreen, 2=desktop fullscreen, 3=windowed fullscreen 0 0 3
gfx_highdpi Enable high-dpi 1 0 1
gfx_color_depth Colors bits for framebuffer (fullscreen only) 24 16 24
gfx_vsync Vertical sync (may cause delay) 0 0 1
gfx_display_all_video_modes Show all video modes 0 0 1
gfx_high_detail High detail 1 0 1
gfx_fsaa_samples FSAA Samples 0 0 64
gfx_refresh_rate Screen refresh rate 0 0 10000
gfx_finish 0 0 1
gfx_backgroundrender Render graphics when window is in background 1 0 1
gfx_text_overlay Stop rendering textoverlay in editor or with entities: high value = less details = more speed 10 1 100
gfx_asyncrender_old Do rendering async from the the update 1 0 1
gfx_quad_as_triangle Render quads as triangles (fixes quad coloring on some GPUs) 0 0 1
inp_mousesens Mouse sensitivity 200 1 100000
inp_translated_keys Translate keys before interpreting them, respects keyboard layouts 0 0 1
inp_ignored_modifiers Ignored keyboard modifier mask 0 0 65536
inp_ime_native_ui Use native UI for IME (may cause IME to not work in fullscreen mode) (changing requires restart) 0 0 1
inp_controller_enable Enable controller 0 0 1
inp_controller_guid Controller GUID which uniquely identifies the active controller ""
inp_controller_absolute Enable absolute controller aiming ingame 0 0 1
inp_controller_sens Ingame controller sensitivity 100 1 100000
inp_controller_x Controller axis that controls X axis of cursor 0 0 12
inp_controller_y Controller axis that controls Y axis of cursor 1 0 12
inp_controller_tolerance Controller axis tolerance to account for jitter 5 0 50
cl_port Port to use for client connections to server (0 to choose a random port, 1024 or higher to set a manual port, requires a restart) 0 0 65535
cl_dummy_port Port to use for dummy connections to server (0 to choose a random port, 1024 or higher to set a manual port, requires a restart) 0 0 65535
cl_contact_port Port to use for serverinfo connections to server (0 to choose a random port, 1024 or higher to set a manual port, requires a restart) 0 0 65535
bindaddr Address to bind the client/server to ""
debug Debug mode 0 0 1
dbg_curl Debug curl 0 0 1
dbg_graphs Performance graphs 0 0 1
dbg_gfx Show graphic library warnings and errors, if the GPU supports it (0: none, 1: minimal, 2: affects performance, 3: verbose, 4: all) 0 0 4
dbg_stress Stress systems (Debug build only) 0 0 0
dbg_stress_server Server to stress (Debug build only) "localhost"
http_allow_insecure Allow insecure HTTP protocol in addition to the secure HTTPS one. Mostly useful for testing. 0 0 1
cl_race_binds_set What level the DDRace binds are set to (this is automated, you don't need to use this) 0 0 1
cl_reconnect_timeout How many seconds to wait before reconnecting (after timeout, 0 for off) 120 0 600
cl_reconnect_full How many seconds to wait before reconnecting (when server is full, 0 for off) 5 0 600
cl_message_system_color System message color 2817983
cl_message_client_color Client message color 9633471
cl_message_highlight_color Highlighted message color 65471
cl_message_team_color Team message color 5636050
cl_message_color Message color 255
cl_laser_rifle_inner_color Laser inner color for Rifle 11206591
cl_laser_rifle_outline_color Laser outline color for Rifle 11176233
cl_laser_sg_inner_color Laser inner color for Shotgun 1467241
cl_laser_sg_outline_color Laser outline color for Shotgun 1866773
cl_laser_door_inner_color Laser inner color for doors 7701379
cl_laser_door_outline_color Laser outline color for doors 7667473
cl_laser_freeze_inner_color Laser inner color for freezes 12001153
cl_laser_freeze_outline_color Laser outline color for freezes 11613223
cl_kill_message_normal_color Kill message normal color 255
cl_kill_message_highlight_color Kill message highlight color 255
cl_message_friend Enable coloring and the heart for friends 1 0 1
cl_message_friend_color Friend message color 65425
conn_timeout Network timeout 100 5 1000
cl_show_ids Whether to show client ids in scoreboard 0 0 1
cl_scoreboard_on_death Whether to show scoreboard after death or not 1 0 1
cl_auto_race_record Save the best demo of each race 1 0 1
cl_replays Enable/disable replays 0 0 1
cl_replay_length Set the default length of the replays 30 10 0
cl_race_record_server_control Let the server start the race recorder 1 0 1
cl_demo_name Save the player name within the demo 1 0 1
cl_demo_assume_race Assume that demos are race demos 1 0 1
cl_race_ghost Enable ghost 1 0 1
cl_race_ghost_server_control Let the server start the ghost 1 0 1
cl_race_show_ghost Show ghost 1 0 1
cl_race_save_ghost Save ghost 1 0 1
cl_ddrace_scoreboard Enable DDRace Scoreboard 1 0 1
cl_show_others Show players in other teams (2 to show own team only) 0 0 2
cl_show_others_alpha Show players in other teams (alpha value, 0 invisible, 100 fully visible) 40 0 100
cl_overlay_entities Overlay game tiles with a percentage of opacity 0 0 100
cl_showquads Show quads (only interesting for mappers, or if your system has extremely bad performance) 1 0 1
cl_background_color Background color 128
cl_background_entities_color Background (entities) color 128
cl_background_entities Background (entities) ""
cl_run_on_join Command to run when joining a server ""
cl_menu_map Background map in the menu "auto"
cl_rotation_radius Menu camera rotation radius 30 1 500
cl_rotation_speed Menu camera rotations in seconds 40 1 120
cl_camera_speed Menu camera speed 5 1 40
cl_background_show_tiles_layers Whether draw tiles layers when using custom background (entities) 0 0 1
cl_unpredicted_shadow Show unpredicted shadow tee (0 = off, 1 = on, -1 = don't even show in debug mode) 0 -1 1
cl_predict_freeze Predict freeze tiles (0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = partial (allow a small amount of movement in freeze) 1 0 2
cl_show_ninja Show ninja skin 1 0 1
cl_show_hook_coll_other Show other players' hook collision line (2 to always show) 1 0 2
cl_show_hook_coll_own Show own players' hook collision line (2 to always show) 1 0 2
cl_hook_coll_size Size of hook collision line 0 0 20
cl_hook_coll_alpha Alpha of hook collision line (0 invisible, 100 fully visible) 100 0 100
cl_hook_coll_color_no_coll Specifies the color of a hookline that hits nothing. 65407
cl_hook_coll_color_hookable_coll Specifies the color of a hookline that hits hookable tiles. 6401973
cl_hook_coll_color_tee_coll Specifies the color of a hookline that hits tees. 2817919
cl_chat_teamcolors Show names in chat in team colors 0 0 1
cl_chat_reset Reset chat when pressing escape 1 0 1
cl_chat_old Old chat style: No tee, no background 0 0 1
cl_show_direction Show key presses (1 = other players', 2 = also your own) 1 0 2
cl_old_gun_position Tees hold gun a bit higher like in TW 0.6.1 and older 0 0 1
cl_confirm_disconnect_time Confirmation popup before disconnecting after game time (in minutes, -1 to turn off, 0 to always turn on) 20 -1 1440
cl_confirm_quit_time Confirmation popup before quitting after game time (in minutes, -1 to turn off, 0 to always turn on) 20 -1 1440
cl_timeout_code Timeout code to use ""
cl_dummy_timeout_code Dummy Timeout code to use ""
cl_timeout_seed Timeout seed ""
cl_input_fifo Fifo file (non-Windows) or Named Pipe (Windows) to use as input for client console ""
cl_config_version The config version. Helps newer clients fix bugs with older configs. 0 0 0
cl_demo_slice_begin Begin marker for demo slice -1 0 0
cl_demo_slice_end End marker for demo slice -1 0 0
cl_demo_show_speed Show speed meter on change 0 0 1
cl_demo_keyboard_shortcuts Enable keyboard shortcuts in demo player 1 0 1
gfx_gl_major Graphic library major version 1 1 10
gfx_gl_minor Graphic library minor version 3 0 10
gfx_gl_patch Graphic library patch version 0 0 10
gfx_gl_texture_lod_bias The lod bias for graphic library texture sampling multiplied by 1000 -500 -15000 15000
gfx_3d_texture_analysis_ran Ran an analyzer to check if sampling 3D/2D array textures works correctly 0 0 1
gfx_3d_texture_analysis_renderer The renderer on which the analysis was performed ""
gfx_3d_texture_analysis_version The version on which the analysis was performed ""
gfx_gpu_name The GPU's name, which will be selected by the backend. (if supported by the backend) "auto"
gfx_backend The backend to use (e.g. OpenGL or Vulkan) "OpenGL"
gfx_render_thread_count Number of threads the backend can use for rendering. (note: the value can be ignored by the backend) 3 0 0
gfx_driver_is_blocked If 1, the current driver is in a blocked error state. 0 0 1
cl_video_recorder_fps At which FPS the videorecorder should record demos. 60 1 1000


指令 參數 說明
exec r[文件名] 執行特定配置文件
reset s[設置名] 重置某項設置為默認值
toggle s[設置選項] i[值1] i[值2] 點按切換設置值
+toggle s[設置選項] i[值1] i[值2] 長按切換設置值
toggle_local_console 打開本地控制台
toggle_remote_console 打開遠程控制台
clear_local_console 清空本地控制台消息
clear_remote_console 清空遠程控制台消息
dump_local_console 將本地控制台消息保存至文本文件
dump_remote_console 將遠程控制台消息保存至文本文件
console_page_up 控制台向前翻頁
console_page_down 控制台向後翻頁
callvote s['kick'|'spectate'|'option'] s[玩家名|選項文本] ?r[原因] 發起投票
vote r['yes'|'no'] 投贊成或反對票
+emote 打開表情輪盤
emote i[表情編號] 使用表情
+spectate 旁觀時打開視角選擇列表
spectate i[旁觀者名字] 啟用旁觀模式
spectate_next 旁觀下一位玩家
spectate_previous 旁觀上一位玩家
spectate_closest 旁觀最近玩家
spectate_multiview i[玩家名] 多視角旁觀時添加或移除玩家名對應的視角(-1 = 重置)
zoom+ 視野放大
zoom- 視野縮小
zoom ?i 指定視野大小
set_view i[x]i[y] 設置鏡頭的x和y坐標
goto_switch i[數字]?i[offset] 查看給定數字編號的開關(在offset)
goto_tele i[數字]?i[offset] 查看給定數字編號的傳送區域(在offset)
say r[消息] 在公開頻道內對話
say_team r[消息] 在隊伍頻道內對話
chat s['team'|'all'] ?r[消息] 啟用隊伍頻道/公開頻道進行對話
+show_chat 顯示更多聊天欄消息
echo r[消息] 在聊天欄發送僅自己可見的消息
+left 左移動
+right 右移動
+jump 跳躍
+hook 發射鈎索
+fire 開火
+showhookcoll 顯示鈎索輔助線
+weapon1 切換到錘子
+weapon2 切換到手槍
+weapon3 切換到霰彈
+weapon4 切換到榴彈
+weapon5 切換到激光
+nextweapon 切換到下一武器
+prevweapon 切換到下一武器
add_foe s[名字] ?s[戰隊] 添加黑名單
remove_foe s[名字] ?s[戰隊] 移出黑名單
foes 列出黑名單
add_friend s[名字] ?s[戰隊] 添加好友
remove_friend s[名字] ?s[戰隊] 移除好友
friends 列出好友
team i[隊伍編號] 加入該編號的隊伍
kill 自殺重開
tune_zone i[zone] s[tuning] i[value] 將此調整區域中的調整項設置為該值
dummy_connect 連接分身
dummy_disconnect 斷開分身連接
dummy_reset 重置分身
quit 離開客戶端
exit 離開客戶端
restart 重啟客戶端
minimize 客戶端最小化
connect r[host|ip] 連接到特定的主機host/ip地址
disconnect 從伺服器斷開連接
ping 顯示當前伺服器的延遲
screenshot 屏幕截圖
start_video 開始錄像
stop_video 結束錄像
rcon r[管理員指令] 發送管理員指令
rcon_auth r[密碼] 發送管理員密碼進行身份認證
rcon_login s[用戶名] r[密碼] 帶用戶名的管理員認證
play r[文件名] 播放指定的錄像文件
record ?r[文件名] 保存記錄至該文件
stoprecord 停止記錄
add_demomarker 添加demo錄像的時間線標記
begin_favorite_group 在`add_favorite`前使用此參數,並以`end_favorite_group`結束,則可以批量收藏伺服器
end_favorite_group 在`add_favorite`後使用此參數,並以`begin_favorite_group`開頭,則可以批量收藏伺服器
add_favorite s[host|ip] ?s['allow_ping'] 添加收藏伺服器
remove_favorite r[host|ip] 從伺服器收藏中移除
demo_play 播放demo錄像
demo_speed i[速度] 設置demo播放速度
save_replay ?i[長度] s[文件名] 保存上次設定的秒數的重播
benchmark_quit i[秒數] r[文件名] Benchmark frame times for number of seconds to file, then quit


調整項 描述 默認值
ground_control_speed 玩家地面水平移動最大移速 10.0
ground_control_accel 地面水平移動加速度 2.0
ground_friction 地面摩檫力 0.5
ground_jump_impulse 地面跳躍衝量 13.2
air_jump_impulse 空中跳躍衝量 12.0
air_control_speed 玩家空中水平移動最大速度 5.0
air_control_accel 空中水平移動加速度 1.5
air_friction 空氣摩檫力 0.95
hook_length 鈎爪飛行最大區域半徑 380.0
hook_fire_speed 鈎爪飛行速度 80.0
hook_drag_accel 鈎牆後鈎索拉力的加速度 3.0
hook_drag_speed 鈎人後對他人的速度 15.0
gravity 重力 0.5
velramp_start 速度修正起點 550
velramp_range 速度修正範圍 2000
velramp_curvature 速度修正曲率 1.4
gun_curvature 手槍子彈下墜曲率 1.25
gun_speed 手槍子彈飛行速度 2200.0
gun_lifetime 手槍子彈存在時長 2.0
shotgun_curvature 霰彈下墜曲率 1.25
shotgun_speed 霰彈飛行速度 2750.0
shotgun_speeddiff 霰彈速度散射差異值(棄用 0.8
shotgun_lifetime 霰彈存在時長(棄用 0.20
grenade_curvature 榴彈下墜曲率 7.0
grenade_speed 榴彈飛行速度 1000.0
grenade_lifetime 榴彈存在時長 2.0
laser_reach 激光完全衰弱所需最大里程 800.0
laser_bounce_delay 激光反彈後衰弱所需里程 150
laser_bounce_num 激光反彈次數上限 1000
laser_bounce_cost 激光每次反彈從衰弱最大里程中扣除的部分 0
laser_damage 激光傷害(棄用 5
player_collision 允許玩家間碰撞 1
player_hooking 允許玩家間使用鈎索拉扯 1
jetpack_strength 手槍作為飛行背包時的推力 400.0
shotgun_strength 霰彈拉力 10.0
explosion_strength 爆炸推力(例如榴彈) 6.0
hammer_strength 錘擊推力 1.0
hook_duration 鈎索拉住其他玩家時持續時長 1.25
hammer_fire_delay 錘擊空氣後搖 125
gun_fire_delay 手槍射擊間隔 125
shotgun_fire_delay 霰彈槍射擊間隔 500
grenade_fire_delay 榴彈發射間隔 500
laser_fire_delay 激光射擊間隔 800
ninja_fire_delay 武士刀攻擊間隔 800
hammer_hit_fire_delay 錘擊玩家後搖 320
ground_elasticity_x 牆體彈性 0
ground_elasticity_y 地板與天花板彈性 0