Wall hammer
A tee is able to hammer another tee through a 1-block wall, provided both tees are aligned against the wall. The timing is tight and the hammer must be aimed directly horizontally. Wall hammers are usually used to send a tee further upwards, but can also be used to push a tee away from a wall.
Ground hammer
Similar to a wall hammer, a tee is able to hammer another tee through a 1-block ground, provided both tees are aligned against the ground. The timing is very tight and the hammer must be aimed directly vertically. Ground hammers can either halt or add to a tee's horizontal momentum, depending on the timing.
Edge hook
If a tee is aligned into a corner, you can hook them from a distance away as long as you aim straight at the corner.
Edge hook with speed (Speededge)
This is a technique where you take speed off your partner (or dummy) in order to travel enough distance.
The edge-rehook is needed to travel that distance.
Edge hook with grenade (Rocket-Edge)
A Rocket-Edge is essentially using the grenade launcher to get to a surtain position in order to be able to edge-rehook and travel the distance that is needed.
You can find these kind of parts on a higher difficulty map.
Delayed hook
If you wait a bit more when rehooking, you can make the tee you are dragging go up to 4 tiles under instead of 1 - further tiles require a hammer or downwards speed on the frozen tee.