- 選擇曲線(Envelope selection):點擊-或+號來選擇上一個或者下一個曲線。斜槓/左側值顯示當前選擇的曲線編號,右側值顯示曲線總數。
- 中間數字的顏色表示是否被佔用,綠色為已使用,紅色為未使用。
- 命名框(Name field):給包絡線命名,便於管理。
- 命名是可選項,可以留空。
- 包絡線各項數值(Envelope values):這些數值取決於包絡線類型(位置、顏色、聲音)。圖例是顏色包絡線,因此顯示的是RGBA數值,下方曲線也反映了數值在動畫過程中的變化。
- 同步(Sync):可選項。用於將動畫的時間與伺服器時間對齊,而不是和客戶端時間對齊。灰色是未啟用,點擊會變色。
- 曲線大小(Zoom):調整曲線編輯器的曲線顯示大小。按住⇧ Shift鍵垂直伸縮曲線。
- 您也可以使用鼠標滾輪控制曲線顯示大小,點擊中間的放大鏡圖標自動調整編輯器曲線顯示至合適位置。
- Envelope repositioning - Use either button to move the envelope in the list of envelopes, as seen in the envelope selection.
- X - Delete the current envelope
- Pos+ - Will create a position envelope
- Position envelopes have 3 values: The X-axis (X), the Y-axis (Y) and the rotation (R).
- Position envelopes can only be applied to quads, by right clicking their pivot, the green square, and selecting a Pos. Env.
- Color+ - Will create a color envelope
- Color envelopes have 4 values: Red (R), green (G), blue (B) and opacity or alpha (A).
- Color envelopes can be applied to tile layers and quads, but not quad layers. Either right click a tile layer in the layer section or the pivot of a quad.
- By right clicking a point in the editor, you're able to use a color picker, instead of manually editing the individual values.
- Sound+ - Will create a sound envelope
- Sound envelopes have only one value: Volume (V)
- Sound envelopes can only be applied to individual sounds and not the layer, similar to quads.
- Undo/redo - Will undo or redo the last change in the envelope editor. Also see history