
From DDraceNetwork
Revision as of 08:58, 29 July 2023 by Darkh (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''TeeWare'''是一个基于 DDNet 的 Teeworlds 模组,开发过程受到其它模组 TF2Ware 和 SRB2Ware 以及任天堂的瓦里奥制造的启发。")

TeeWare是一個基於 DDNet 的 Teeworlds 模組,開發過程受到其它模組 TF2Ware 和 SRB2Ware 以及任天堂的瓦里奧製造的啟發。

Your goal is to be on top of the scoreboard by winning 20 rounds of fast-paced minigames that the game throws at you, which last 10 seconds or less. Halfway into the game at 10 rounds the game will speed up, and the speed will be reset to normal on the boss round. The boss minigames are more complex, and last an average between 30 seconds and 1 minute.

At the end, the player with the highest score wins, and will be given the ability to splat everyone on the lobby! A few seconds after this intermission, all player scores are reset to zero and the game loops once more.[1]
