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 h English (en)Sounds easy right? But there are more you need to care about while creating your own mode switch key. Firstly, the key that will be changed shouldn't be changed by mode switch key. For example, deep fly will change the binding of fire button. After changing, you need to use the mode switch key to reset bindings. But if it will reset the binding of fire button, the deep fly bind just disappear.
 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)看起来很简单?但是创建你自己的模式切换键时,你需要注意以下几点。首先,需要被改动的按键不应该被模式切换键改动。比如,df绑定需要改变开火键的绑定。改变开火键绑定后,你肯定需要按下模式切换键来重置按钮绑定。但是如果模式切换键此时会重置开火键绑定,那df绑定就消失了。