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Found 2 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)If you decided to use an on-screen button to fire, it's recommended to bind mouse1 to spectate. Because while spectating, you have to hold the screen to choose which who you want to spec. If you bind another button to spectate, you need to hold that button and the screen at the same time.
 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)如果你打算用一个屏幕上按钮来开火,我们推荐你将mouse1绑定为旁观,即"+spectate"。因为旁观时,你需要按住屏幕以选择旁观对象。如果你将另一个按钮绑定为旁观,你需要在选择时同时按住那个按钮和屏幕。