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Found 3 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)::If you quit remapping before all buttons are remapped, the settings that have been made will be saved, and the settings for the remaining buttons won't change. After remapping, go change the button layout, and the work for on-screen buttons is done.
 h Chinese (zh)::您在任何时候退出重映射界面,已有的设置都会被保存,未改变的内容则保持不变。在重映射设置好后,调整按钮布局即可完成屏幕按钮的设置工作。
 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)::如果你在映射完所有按键之前退出映射,已经被映射的按键会保留设置,其余的则不变。映射完成后,你可以根据自己的需要改变按键的位置,然后对于屏幕上按键的设置就结束了。