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 h English (en)::Also, you have to '''replace''' the button to '''fire'''. It is ''mouse1'' by default. To trigger ''mouse1'', you have to tap empty place on the screen. However, you can't trigger ''mouse1'' while holding on-screen buttons. If you don't change, it will be hard to play. We recommend to remap a on-screen button to fire, for example, map the ''button 6'' to ''WORLD_55'', then bind world_55 "+fire".
 h Chinese (zh)::注意:您'''必须'''替换并重新绑定开火键。因为开火默认操作是鼠标左键{{key press|Mouse1}},但是触屏手机系统的点击是手指触碰界面空白处,这会导致在按住按钮的时候无法开火。您可以尝试作如下替换:将{{key press|button 6}}重映射为{{key press|world_55}},然后将{{key press|world_55}}绑定为“+fire”,或者根据您的喜好作其他重映射。
 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)::同时,你必须'''替换开火键''',默认为''mouse1'',对应鼠标左键。在手机版按下''mouse1''的方法是点击屏幕空白位置。但是,你按下屏幕上按键时无法触发''mouse1'',因此如果你不修改的话操作难度会大幅度提升。我们建议映射一个屏幕上按键为开火键。例如将''button 6''映射为''WORLD_55'',之后 bind world_55 "+fire"即可。