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Found 2 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)Adding <code>NewRun</code> in a section will make the section run an additional time for each time this keyword gets added to the section. This can be used to set some basic tiles in the first run, and more complex ones in the second.
 h Chinese (zh)通过在段落中添加代码<code>NewRun</code>,当自动贴图执行到这一行时,会立即将缓存好的变化应用于图层,后续规则会受到前面贴图改变情况的影响。简单用法是在这一行前面完成基础造型,后面进行细致装饰(例如在一些边角额外添加可能会超出原有贴图范围的装饰)。