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Name | Current message text |
h English (en) | Every tileset has 16 rows and 16 columns and each tile can be addressed by its index. The index of a tile is a direct result of it's position and can be calculated by <code>index = 16 * row + column</code>, where row and column is between 0 and 15. The tile at index 0 is always considered <code>EMPTY</code>. Usually this part doesn't contain textures in tilesets. Each other tile is always considered <code>FULL</code>, even if it doesn't contain any textures and is fully transparent. |
h Chinese (zh) | 每个资源文件导入后会被分割成16行16列的贴图集,以左上角为0号方块,之后从左往右由0到15依次给第一行方块编号,每行编号完毕再到下一行,第二行左边开头为16号方块,依此类推。容易看出方块每次向右一格+1,向下一格+16,对应计算公式为<code>'''编号 = 16 * 行数 + 列数'''</code>(注意第一行和第一列在计算机中默认为第0行和第0列)。资源文件中0号方块的位置通常留空,贴图规则会将它称为<code>EMPTY</code>(空);其余位置的方块无论置空与否都会被当作<code>FULL</code>(满)。 |