Распространенная Терминология
Акронимы и терминалогия, обычно используемые игроками Teeworlds.
Распространённые акронимы и Термины в DDRace
- 3fly : triple hammer fly, the tee hitting the driver also hooks another tee.
- b : back, commonly used by players that fall in freeze and need another player to come back to unfreeze them.
- dj : double jump, normally used in the phrase "need dj" or "get dj" to indicate that a tee must land on a tile to get their double jump back.
- flw : follow, to follow another player to a different server. It's easy to find another player using the Friends tab in the server browser after adding them (Escape > Players > Heart icon bubble)
- fv : fun vote, голосование, вызванное без причины.
- hf : hammer fly, a method of flying involving a driver (a tee that hooks another tee) and a tee that hammers them from below.
- hh : hammer hit, typically chained together to cross long stretches of freeze.
- hr : hammer run, when two tees run in the same direction and the back tee hits the other.
- r1 : rank 1, to signify the top time on a certain map.
- re : restart, to start the map from the beginning again.
- rf : rocket fly, a method of flying involving a driver (a tee that fires grenades and hooks another tee at an angle) and a tee that doesn't move
- rq : rage-quit, often used when someone fails a part and leaves, or when someone abandons a team mid-race.
- sg : shotgun
- t0 : team 0, команда, в которую вступает игрок при подлючении к серверу.
- jp : джетпак, модификация второго оружия (пистолета), позволяющая летать.