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At the beginning of each game, a player is designated as the "zombie." Using a hammer, they must infect another target that is being defended by the other players using weapons and laser walls. A "round" ends when the time runs out or when all players are infected.

The "Infection" mod (InfClass).

Starting with a random human becoming a zombie, Zombies vs. Humans. Humans win by surviving until the end of the time limit.

1 Character Abilities Overview

Note: Press Tab to see all player characters. Type /help followed by the character's name in English in the chat to check their abilities and features. For example: "/help hero"

1.1 Human Camp

Zombie-Charaktere werden zu Beginn oder wenn ein menschlicher Spieler infiziert wird, zufällig zugewiesen.

  • Jäger
  • Agiler, hat Dreifachsprung, kann bestimmte menschliche Verteidigungen umgehen.
  • Raucher
  • Der Haken verursacht 3 Schaden und gewährt Lebensentzug (3 HP), wenn er an einen Menschen gehakt wird.
  • Der Angriff verursacht eine Explosion im 3x3-Bereich und opfert sich dabei. Das Explodieren in der Nähe von Menschen führt zu ihrem Tod, und die Schockwelle der Explosion kann Teammitglieder in die Luft schleudern.
  • Spinne
  • Scrollen Sie mit dem Mausrad, um die Webmodi zu wechseln. Wenn Menschen mit Gewalt durch Spinnenseide gehen, bleiben sie stecken. Haken Sie Menschen nicht direkt im Webmodus ein.
  • Voodoo
  • Erhält 1 Sekunde zusätzliches Leben nach dem Tod, was einen kurzen Angriffszeitraum ermöglicht, wenn menschliche Verteidigungen zwangsweise durchbrochen werden (z. B. Laserwände, Laser-Trip-Minen).
  • Hexe
  • Kann andere Zombies als Wiederbelebungspunkte wiederbeleben. Wird zufällig zu einem anderen infizierten Typ, wenn sie stirbt.
  • Fledermaus
  • Hat unendliche Sprünge, Hammerschaden beträgt 3, Hakensschaden beträgt 1, gehakte Menschen können zweimal gesaugt werden.
  • Untoter
  • Betritt nach dem "Tod" einen 10 Sekunden langen Schlaf. Kann schnell von anderen Zombies durch Hämmern geweckt werden. Normale Waffen können es nicht töten, nur Gelände oder die Umwandlung des Medics können es in einen Menschen zurückverwandeln.
  • Geist
  • Nicht aus der Ferne sichtbar. Wird nur sichtbar, wenn er sich in der Nähe von Menschen befindet oder einen Angriff startet.
  • Schnecke
  • Der Hammer sprüht toxische Flüssigkeit auf den Boden und die Wände. Menschen, die vorbeigehen, werden vergiftet und verlieren im Laufe der Zeit 5 HP. Andere Zombies, die vorbeigehen, regenerieren langsam ihre Gesundheit (schneller als in Infektionszonen).
  • Ghul
  • Saugt automatisch "Seelen" von toten Zombies auf und erhöht den Hunger (0% bis 100%). Je höher der Hunger, desto röter die Farbe und je mehr Gesundheit, Geschwindigkeit und Stärke gewinnt er. Ein unausgewogenes Vorhandensein im Spiel.

1.2 Zombie Camp

Zombie characters are randomly assigned at the beginning or when a human player gets infected.

  • Hunter
  • More agile, has triple jump, can bypass certain human defenses.
  • Smoker
  • Hook deals 3 damage and provides life leech (3 HP) when hooked to a human.
  • Attack causes a 3x3 area explosion, sacrificing oneself in the process. Exploding near humans results in their death, and the explosion's shockwave can send teammates into the air.
  • Spider
  • Scroll the mouse wheel to switch web modes. If humans forcibly pass through spider silk, they will get stuck. Do not hook humans directly with web mode.
  • Voodoo
  • Gets 1 second of extra life after death, allowing for a brief attack period when forcibly passing human defenses (e.g., laser walls, laser trip mines).
  • Witch
  • Can resurrect other zombies as respawn points. Randomly becomes a different infected type upon death.
  • Bat
  • Has infinite jumps, hammer damage is 3, hook damage is 1, hooked humans can be leeched twice.
  • Undead
  • Enters a 10-second sleep after "death." Can be quickly awakened by other zombies through hammering. Regular weapons cannot kill it, only terrain or the Medic's conversion can reverse it to a human.
  • Ghost
  • Not visible from afar. Only becomes visible when near humans or launching an attack.
  • Slug
  • Hammer sprays toxic liquid on the ground and walls. Humans passing by get poisoned, losing 5 HP over time. Other zombies passing by slowly regain health (faster than in infection zones).
  • Ghoul
  • Automatically absorbs "souls" from dead zombies, increasing hunger (0% to 100%). The higher the hunger, the redder the color, and the more health, speed, and strength it gains. An imbalanced presence in the game.

2 Tactics and Strategies

2.0 Hook Protection and Unhooking Both human and zombie characters have "hook protection" by default to prevent accidental displacement from being hooked by teammates. To hook teammates, both must press the F3 key to unhook.

2.1 Zombies Healing Each Other Zombies can heal each other quickly by hammering each other.

2.2 Zombies Approaching from Above If certain maps allow humans to hold high ground, zombies can use Hammer Fly after releasing hook protection to attack from above. Boomer zombies can quickly send another zombie to attack from the air through self-detonation.

2.3 Zombies Forcing Attacks from the Front Undead: Has the undead trait, can forcibly impact human defenses, but humans can imprison undead through the 10-second sleep feature after undead death. Voodoo: Gets 1 second of extra life after death, allowing for a brief attack period after forcibly passing human defenses (e.g., laser walls, laser trip mines).

2.4 Human "Taxi" Group Combats After releasing hook protection with the F3 key or your bound vote key, hook humans who have also released hook protection to form a "Taxi." This allows for cooperative fighting.

2.5 Mercenary Pistol Flying Taxi Combination Assign the Mercenary as the Taxi driver. The Mercenary uses their pistol to fly the "Taxi," and the passengers fire from above. This strategy concentrates firepower and leverages each human character's unique abilities.

2.6 Zombie "Taxi" Group Combats Unhook a Bat after releasing hook protection with the F3 key, allowing the hooked zombie to take flight. This can transport all zombies to high ground blocked by Engineer defenses.

2.8 HammerFly Both zombies release hook protection with F3, allowing them to use HammerFly similar to DDNet's gameplay. Zombies can hang onto a flying zombie, achieving flight.

2.10 Medic x Soldier x Medic Taxi - Dual Medic Suicide Car Two Medics take positions as the driver and passenger of a car. One Medic must constantly heal the other Medic, as the Soldier continuously places and detonates bombs that damage him. This strategy allows for quick healing and keeps the Soldier alive during bomb detonations. It's better if the bottom Medic can drive.