
From DDraceNetwork
Revision as of 05:15, 12 February 2023 by By (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==== 方法一:使用现有地图====")




  • 隨時修改您看到的問題,如語法錯誤,用詞不當等;
  • 擴充現有條目;
  • 為頁面添加視頻(詳見如何創建視頻);
  • 自行創建條目;
  • 目前需要擴充的條目見此::Category:Needs Content









  1. 應只拒絕惡意破壞的編輯。那些出於真心但內容不太好的編輯(例如在一個電影維基中添加了過多的劇情細節)應予以通過,之後再恢復該條目到改動前的狀態。這樣貢獻者就不會感到被冒犯,且他的編輯內容會保存在歷史記錄中,任何人都可以隨時查看;
  2. 任何編輯質量良好的用戶(指進行過多次優秀的編輯)應被添加至automoderated(自動審核)用戶組中;
  3. 不建議以$wgAutopromote(自動推薦)將用戶添加至automoderated(自動審核)用戶組中,這樣做會促使惡意破壞的用戶進行多次且微小的改動(例如添加鏈接)從而被自動推薦添加至自動審核用戶組。所以最好手動添加那些有過一次良好編輯記錄的用戶而非添加那些進行過多次無用編輯記錄的用戶進入自動審核用戶組;
  4. 應避免阻攔用戶訪問條目。不要以「以防萬一」為由保護條目,除非該條目為重要模板;
  5. 應允許有惡意編輯歷史的用戶恢復編輯權限。無論他們被阻攔了多少次,都應該保留那些對頁面有用的編輯。同時,應該拒絕討論頁面內的惡搞內容和那些有意進行低質量編輯的改動。





  1. Right-click the video and click 『Open Video in New Tab』. Now you can find the name of the video in the URL
  2. Go here and download the correct demo
  3. Open the demo in your client (you need to move the demo into your data/demos folder)
  4. While you have the demo open, go into the editor, click File, and select Load Current Map

Now you can edit and use the map for the demo.

Variant 2: Creating a new map

  1. Create a new map in the editor
  2. Set the background color to #5E84AE
    1. Click on the quads layer
    2. Right-click the corners of the rectangle
    3. Insert the color value #5E84AE into the third to last field each each
  3. The main focus should be that it is comprehensible
  4. Keep the style simple and similar to the other videos
    • Use simple textures (preferably grass_main, combined with generic_unhookable and font_teeworlds)
    • Make it loopable, you can get creative with that :)
    • Insert a scale if suited

Step 2.1: Recording the demo

  1. Turn demo recording on
    • I suggest Settings -> General -> Automatically record demos
  2. Load the map on a server
    • Start your own DDNet server or use the Trashmap hosting service
  3. Join it with your client, try the trick until you are satisfied with the result and keep loopability in mind

Recording Settings

Set consistent skin:

  • Hammer: brownbear
  • Pistol: coala
  • Shotgun: cammo
  • Grenade: redstripe
  • Laser: bluestripe
  • Hook: default
  • Jump: bluekitty

Step 2.2: Cutting the demo

  1. In your client, go to Demos -> auto/
  2. Open the demo you recorded
    • Tip: Click on Date to sort by date
  3. Press Escape for demo functions
  4. Use the 2 buttons on the left of the camera icons to select a starting and end point
  5. Use the camera icon to save the shortened demo

Tip: you can repeat these steps multiple times to be able to cut the demo more precisely

Step 2.3: Converting the demo to a video

Once you have the client, converting a demo is as simple as:

  • Open the client (with the converting functionality)
  • Set zoom to 10: cl_default_zoom 10
  • Go to the Demos tab
  • Select the correct demo
  • Click Render at the bottom

Step 3: Getting the video into the wiki

Some of the following steps might be a little overwhelming. You can simply ask one of the wiki admins to do the remaining steps.

Step 3.1: Cropping the video

Using your preferred video editor, crop the video, so that only the relevant cutout of the video remains. You can look at other videos from the wiki to get a feel for how much you should crop.

Step 3.2: Uploading the video to the wiki

To upload a video to the wiki first you need permissions, if you are considered a trustworthy contributor you will get them, if you consider yourself trustworthy you can ask an administrator to consider giving you the permission to upload files.

To upload a file you can go to Upload file link on the sidebar.

Step 3.3: Inserting the video into an article

To insert a video into an article, first you have to choose whether it fits in the text or on a side.

Usually, if the text mentions some steps to take or the video is directly related to a text, it's better to put it there like this:


If you consider it better to be floating on the right side, you can do this


Or with a thumb and a label:

[[File:myvideo.mp4|thumb|This video shows this!|gif]]

If you think the video is too small, you can specify a size:


You can learn more in detail about media placement here: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Images


If you identify a common occurrence, such as weapon info boxes, you can automate it creating templates, more info here.

List of created templates:



To translate the title you can go to "Edit source" and add {{DISPLAYTITLE:Translated title}} to the top of the page replacing "Translated title" with the title you want displayed.


You can archive the same in the visual editor, by first linking the translated page: e.g. by typing [[ to open the linking page. Enter Jump/de to link to the correct page and then modify the display text to the translated version.