Uploads by ForgottenCat

This special page shows all uploaded files.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
03:12, 13 July 2024 Mb mainpage.jpeg (file) 358 KB Used for mobile tutorial. A screen of the mainpage of setting interface. 1
03:14, 13 July 2024 MBkeyboard.jpeg (file) 381 KB For mobile tutorials. 1
03:29, 13 July 2024 MBmainpagenew.jpeg (file) 209 KB This is the normal version. 1
03:31, 13 July 2024 MBonscreen.jpeg (file) 219 KB On-screen button interface. 1
03:33, 13 July 2024 MBexample1.jpeg (file) 211 KB Disable the joystick1 setting example. 1
06:26, 13 July 2024 MBexample2.jpeg (file) 294 KB Example 2, showing the remap interface. 1
13:34, 14 July 2024 MBlayout.jpeg (file) 448 KB Shown an on-screen button layout. 1
05:14, 17 July 2024 MBlobby.jpeg (file) 141 KB   1
05:30, 17 July 2024 MBbindinterface.jpeg (file) 178 KB   1
11:41, 17 July 2024 MBexample3.jpeg (file) 514 KB   1
15:08, 17 July 2024 MBbuttonlayout.jpeg (file) 758 KB   1