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<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''钩索''' 可以用于在地图中位移或者拉动其他玩家。玩家默认持有此装备,在游玩绝大部分[[Special:MyLanguage/map|地图]]时它都必不可少。钩索有以下功能:
The '''''Hook''''' allows you to maneuver around maps. It is always available and essential to almost every [[Special:MyLanguage/map|map]]. With it, you can:

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
* 钩住特定方块摆荡
* Hook certain blocks to swing around
* 钩住其他玩家,将其拖向自己,同时自己也会被稍微拉过去
* Hook other tees to pull them towards you and yourself slightly towards them

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Use the hook by holding down secondary fire. Release it by letting go of secondary fire.

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How it functions:

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* 钩爪在发射后将沿着直线飞行,直到它抓到玩家或墙
* The hook moves in a straight line until it collides with either a tee or a wall
* 如果钩爪一直没抓到玩家或墙,在达到最大飞行范围时会消失
* If the hook collides with nothing, it will stop at its maximum range
* 钩爪具有出射速度,发射后不会立刻命中,而是经过一定的延迟才接触目标
* Hooking is not instant, it does have a travel time
* 视觉效果上,钩爪和玩家之间会有钩索连接,钩索提供了玩家和钩爪之间的拉力,但是钩索没有碰撞箱
* Hooks do not nullify the former velocity of a tee, it's just another factor that influences it
* 钩索不会让玩家原有的速度消失,而是在原有运动状态上附加一个加速度,不管对自身还是其他玩家都是如此
* Thanks to how thin it is, it can fit through diagonal corners between tiles
* 钩爪自身的碰撞箱很小,因此它可以沿着对角线穿过某些角落的墙缝

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<span id="Block_Types"></span>
== Block Types ==
== 关于不同类型的方块 ==

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There are a few block types which interact with hook:

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* 钩爪会直接穿过空气方块;
* Air or absence of the following blocks will let the hook right through
* Unhookable tiles {{Tile|entities|3}} cancels the hook when hit
* Hookable tiles {{Tile|entities|1}} which you can grab on with your hook and pull yourself towards it until you release the hook or get [[Special:MyLanguage/Freeze|Frozen]] or [[Special:MyLanguage/Teleporter|Teleported]].
* Hook-through tiles ({{Tile|entities|3}} + {{Tile|game|66}} or {{Tile|entities|1}} + {{Tile|game|66}}), is a combination of a collision block in the game layer ({{Tile|entities|3}} or {{Tile|entities|1}}) and the hook through block in the front layer {{Tile|game|66}}. This combination will not affect your hook. The hook will pass right through them like through air
* Hook-stopper tile {{Tile|game|66}}  is the same tile as the Hook-through tile, but placed on air instead on collision. This block will cancel the hook like the unhookable tile. The difference to the unhookable tile is that tees and weapon projectiles don't collide with it.
* The directional hook-through tile {{Tile|front|67}} is rotatable and lets all hooks through in one direction and acts like the hook-stopper for hooks in the opposite direction.
* The old hook-through tile ({{Tile|entities|6}}/{{Tile|front|6}}) lets hook through, when placed next to a tile when hooking through in some angels.
* [[Special:MyLanguage/Teleporter#Hook|Hook teleporter]] {{Tile|entities|15}} will teleport the hook to a different position on the map.

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* 钩爪在命中禁钩墙体{{Tile|entities|3}}时消失;
When your hook is active (anchored to a hookable block), your tee will be pulled towards the anchor point. There is no timer when hooking a block, so you can hold it for as long as you wish.

* 钩爪在命中可钩墙体{{Tile|entities|1}}后将玩家拉向命中锚点,直到玩家松手或者被[[Special:MyLanguage/Freeze|冻结]]、[[Special:MyLanguage/Teleporter|传送]]等强制松开;

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* 钩爪会像穿过空气一样穿过穿透墙体({{Tile|entities|3}} + {{Tile|game|66}} 或者 {{Tile|entities|1}} + {{Tile|game|66}}),这些方块是用游戏实体图层中的({{Tile|entities|3}} 或 {{Tile|entities|1}})叠加前置图层中的{{Tile|game|66|穿透元件}}组合得到的;
== Hooking Tees ==

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* 钩爪在命中禁钩区域{{Tile|game|66}}时消失,这个实体与上一条中的穿透元件是同一个,但与前面用法不同的是此处禁钩区域{{Tile|game|66}}叠加在空气方块上,它把所在方块的钩索穿透判定反转,但不影响玩家和子弹的碰撞。因此叠加在空气上时,钩爪无法穿过,但不会阻碍玩家和子弹的通过;
Hooking another tee will pull the tee towards you. Your tee will also be slightly pulled towards the other tee. Keep in mind, that due to friction, pulling tees is way slower while they are standing on the floor. In contrast to hooking a tile, a hook on another tee only lasts 1.25 seconds. Once the timer runs out, the hook will release from the tee. When touching the endless hook tile {{Tile|front|17}}, this time restriction gets removed and you can hook other tees forever. This effect only wears of by touching the endless hook off tile {{Tile|front|18}}. When loosing endless hook through this tile and currently holding hook, you still hold the remaining hook duration from that point in time. The endless hook effect can also be enabled map-wide by adding the map config <code>sv_endless_drag 1</code> or by placing the endless hook map config tile {{Tile|front|73}} somewhere on the map.

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* 钩爪只能从特定方向穿过 定向穿透方块{{Tile|front|67}},这个方块可以旋转,特性是其中一向类似穿透墙体而对向类似禁钩区域;
Hooking tees can be disabled by touching the disable hook collision block {{Tile|front|91}}. Your hook will go through other tees when in this mode. Hook collision gets enabled again by touching the enable hook collision block {{Tile|front|107}}. The hook can be permanently disabled on a map with the tune <code>player_hooking 0</code> or by placing the disable hook collision map config tile {{Tile|front|75}} somewhere on the map.

* 钩爪可以从 旧版穿透元件({{Tile|entities|6}}/{{Tile|front|6}})相邻的方块边缘穿过,换句话说钩索在进入 旧版穿透元件内部后,可以继续飞行穿过它上下左右四个方向相邻的任意方块;

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* 钩爪会在命中[[Special:MyLanguage/Teleporter#Hook|钩爪传送区域]] {{Tile|entities|15}}后被传送至地图预设好的另一个地点。
=== Pull limit of the hook ===

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You will not be pulled all the way to the anchor point. Instead, when your tee enters a specific radius to the anchor point you will not be affected by the hook until you get out of it again. This is especially significant when trying to move along the ceiling. Try to re-hook the ceiling when your tee is directly below it, to stick tighter to it.

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<span id="Hooking_Tees"></span>
=== Hook hitbox of tees ===
== 关于钩中玩家 ==

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The hit box of tees for the hook is actually larger than it is visually represented. While a tee looks about the same size as a tile and mostly also interacts that way, its hit box for the hook is much more generous. Due to this large hit box it is possible to hook a tee through a corner between tiles without having to do a hook with surgical precision. To see how big the actual hit box of tees are, you can turn on "fat skins" in Settings -&gt; Tee -&gt; Fat skins (DDFat).


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=== Weak hook / strong hook ===
通过设置地图参数<code>sv_endless_drag 1</code>或者在地图中放置全图无限钩索方块{{Tile|front|73}},可以在游戏开始时给予地图中所有玩家无限钩索。
通过在地图里调整<code>player_hooking 0</code>或者放置全图钩索碰撞解除{{Tile|front|75}},可以在游戏开始时禁用玩家之间的钩索交互。
<span id="Pull_limit_of_the_hook"></span>
=== 关于钩索的拖拽限制 ===
<span id="Hook_hitbox_of_tees"></span>
=== 关于钩索与玩家的碰撞箱判定 ===
如果你想看清具体的判定范围,可以打开设置 -&gt; Tee -&gt; “胖胖的皮肤(DDFat)”。
<span id="Weak_hook_/_strong_hook"></span>
=== 关于强弱钩===


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When hooking other tees, you won’t always pull them with the same strength. There are 2 different strength modes your hook can have, called "weak hook" and "strong hook". It is important to emphasize that a single tee does not "have strong hook" on everyone equally, they instead have either weak hook or strong hook on different tees, depending on spawn order. The tee that has strong hook on the other is determined by who spawned first. The tee that spawned first has strong hook and the one who spawned later has weak hook.
需要强调玩家本身并没有被附加强弱钩索的属性,强弱钩只有在两个[[Special:MyLanguage/Common Terminology#Tee|毛球(Tee)]]之间才会发生。

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钩索的强度在[[Special:MyLanguage/Drag Part|拖拽关卡]]和[[Special:MyLanguage/Hammerfly|锤子飞]]的时候会有影响,强钩会更容易完成一些动作,当然也存在弱钩有优势的情况。
Weak and strong hook are especially noticeable in parts where you hook the other tee along the floor and when [[Special:MyLanguage/Hammerfly|hammerflying]].

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<span id="Maps_requiring_weak"></span>
=== Maps requiring weak ===
=== 需要弱钩的地图 ===

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Most parts are easier (or sometimes only possible) with strong hook. There are very few parts on older maps where weak is an advantage or only possible with weak.

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Known list of parts with weak as advantage or required (incomplete):

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* 在地图[https://ddnet.org/maps/Insane-32-3 Insane 3][[Special:MyLanguage/Teleporter|传送]]6处:这一关卡只能使用弱钩通过。这是因为其中的变速带力度不够,挂墙玩家会被强钩玩家拽下来。
* On [https://ddnet.org/maps/Insane-32-3 Insane 3] at tele 6: this part is only possible with weak hook. This is due to the speedups not being strong enough to push the tee up when using the strong hook.
* On [https://ddnet.org/maps/2Long 2Long] at position <code>x = 380, y = 33</code>: you have to do an edge hook with strong hook. With weak it is enough if the other tee holds right (by default, D).
* On [https://ddnet.org/maps/Fucktastic Fucktastic] at tele 30: Similar to the 2Long part, but three times in a row and the edge is to high to jump on it.
* On [https://ddnet.org/maps/Next Next] at tele 4: The tee holding the hook needs weak for hook to have enough upward momentum

* 在地图[https://ddnet.org/maps/2Long 2Long]的坐标<code>x = 380, y = 33</code>处:强钩玩家必须使用蹭边钩。而弱钩玩家只需要让同伴按住向左(原文右)移动就够了。

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* 在地图[https://ddnet.org/maps/Fucktastic Fucktastic]的[[Special:MyLanguage/Teleporter|传送]]30处:和上一条类似,但是此处多了三次而且边缘太高不容易跳上去。
== Tunes ==

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* 在地图[https://ddnet.org/maps/Next Next]的[[Special:MyLanguage/Teleporter|传送]]4处:维持钩索的玩家需要弱钩来获取足够的向上动量。
The following tunes exist for the hook:
<span id="Tunes"></span>
== 调整参数 ==
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
!tune name
!default value
|Length of the hook. This is how far the hook can get before retracting. The length is always measured from the current position of the tee or the last [[Special:MyLanguage/Teleporter#Hook|hook teleporter]].
|How far the hook advances each tick
|Factor to acceleration the hook gives each tick
|Maximum speed you can gain/give through the hook afterwards the accel is ignored
|Enable/disable player hooking
|Time in seconds how long tees can hook other tees

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<span id="Advanced_Behaviour"></span>
== Advanced Behaviour ==
== 进阶特性 ==
* 钩索具有最大范围。当钩爪飞行到达最大范围后会消失,注意这个范围会跟随玩家移动。如果你逆着钩爪飞行方向移动钩索会更快消失,钩爪的实际飞行距离比站着不动短;反之如果你顺着钩索头飞行方向移动钩索会飞得更远。

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* 钩索不是直接从玩家身上射出的,它的出射点在玩家身体外一圈,因此更容易从某些身边的缝隙中穿过。
* The hook has a maximum range. Once the hook reaches its maximum range, it will reset. Note that if you move away from the hook, that maximum range is reached faster, and you won’t hook as far. However, you can hook further by moving into the general hook direction.
* The hook does not start directly at the border of your tee. Instead, it starts a bit further out, which makes it easier to hook through a gap between tiles when you are close to it.


Latest revision as of 17:57, 4 May 2024


鈎索 可以用於在地圖中位移或者拉動其他玩家。玩家默認持有此裝備,在遊玩絕大部分地圖時它都必不可少。鈎索有以下功能:

  • 鈎住特定方塊擺盪
  • 鈎住其他玩家,將其拖向自己,同時自己也會被稍微拉過去



  • 鈎爪在發射後將沿着直線飛行,直到它抓到玩家或牆
  • 如果鈎爪一直沒抓到玩家或牆,在達到最大飛行範圍時會消失
  • 鈎爪具有出射速度,發射後不會立刻命中,而是經過一定的延遲才接觸目標
  • 視覺效果上,鈎爪和玩家之間會有鈎索連接,鈎索提供了玩家和鈎爪之間的拉力,但是鈎索沒有碰撞箱
  • 鈎索不會讓玩家原有的速度消失,而是在原有運動狀態上附加一個加速度,不管對自身還是其他玩家都是如此
  • 鈎爪自身的碰撞箱很小,因此它可以沿着對角線穿過某些角落的牆縫



  • 鈎爪會直接穿過空氣方塊;
  • 鈎爪在命中禁鈎牆體時消失;
  • 鈎爪在命中可鈎牆體後將玩家拉向命中錨點,直到玩家鬆手或者被凍結傳送等強制鬆開;
  • 鈎爪會像穿過空氣一樣穿過穿透牆體( + 或者 + ),這些方塊是用遊戲實體圖層中的()疊加前置圖層中的組合得到的;
  • 鈎爪在命中禁鈎區域時消失,這個實體與上一條中的穿透元件是同一個,但與前面用法不同的是此處禁鈎區域疊加在空氣方塊上,它把所在方塊的鈎索穿透判定反轉,但不影響玩家和子彈的碰撞。因此疊加在空氣上時,鈎爪無法穿過,但不會阻礙玩家和子彈的通過;
  • 鈎爪只能從特定方向穿過 定向穿透方塊,這個方塊可以旋轉,特性是其中一向類似穿透牆體而對向類似禁鈎區域;
  • 鈎爪可以從 舊版穿透元件(/)相鄰的方塊邊緣穿過,換句話說鈎索在進入 舊版穿透元件內部後,可以繼續飛行穿過它上下左右四個方向相鄰的任意方塊;






通過設置地圖參數sv_endless_drag 1或者在地圖中放置全圖無限鈎索方塊,可以在遊戲開始時給予地圖中所有玩家無限鈎索。


通過在地圖裡調整player_hooking 0或者放置全圖鈎索碰撞解除,可以在遊戲開始時禁用玩家之間的鈎索交互。







如果你想看清具體的判定範圍,可以打開設置 -> Tee -> 「胖胖的皮膚(DDFat)」。




需要強調玩家本身並沒有被附加強弱鈎索的屬性,強弱鈎只有在兩個毛球(Tee)之間才會發生。 存活時間長的毛球對於存活時間短的毛球鈎索力度更大。 存活時間從你進入地圖開始計時,每次死亡重生都將歸零重新計算。





  • 在地圖Insane 3傳送6處:這一關卡只能使用弱鈎通過。這是因為其中的變速帶力度不夠,掛牆玩家會被強鈎玩家拽下來。
  • 在地圖2Long的坐標x = 380, y = 33處:強鈎玩家必須使用蹭邊鈎。而弱鈎玩家只需要讓同伴按住向左(原文右)移動就夠了。
  • 在地圖Fucktastic傳送30處:和上一條類似,但是此處多了三次而且邊緣太高不容易跳上去。
  • 在地圖Next傳送4處:維持鈎索的玩家需要弱鈎來獲取足夠的向上動量。



調整參數名 默認值 注釋
hook_length 380.0 這是鈎索的最大射程,以玩家當前位置或者最後一個鈎索傳送方塊為中心。
hook_fire_speed 80.0 鈎索頭在每遊戲刻飛行距離。
hook_drag_accel 3.0 鈎索每遊戲刻給予被鈎玩家的加速度。
hook_drag_speed 15.0 在鈎索的拖動下出鈎玩家或者被鈎玩家可以獲得的最大速度。
player_hooking 1 控制鈎索能否命中其他玩家。
hook_duration 1.25 鈎中玩家後鈎索可以維持的最大秒數。


  • 鈎索具有最大範圍。當鈎爪飛行到達最大範圍後會消失,注意這個範圍會跟隨玩家移動。如果你逆着鈎爪飛行方向移動鈎索會更快消失,鈎爪的實際飛行距離比站着不動短;反之如果你順着鈎索頭飛行方向移動鈎索會飛得更遠。
  • 鈎索不是直接從玩家身上射出的,它的出射點在玩家身體外一圈,因此更容易從某些身邊的縫隙中穿過。